Want Mark Begich to Win the Alaska Senate Seat? In Alaska, there is 200% voter turnout!
Seems impossible?
Well it is, but that is what the election data said for the 2004 election in 16 out of 40 districts.
Discrepancies in the 2004 election included a district-by-district count that added up 292,267 votes cast for George Bush in the presidential election, while the statewide summary showed 190,889 votes.
District-by-district totals gave U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski 226,992 votes, while her official total was 149,446 votes.
And in half the state House Districts, more ballots were cast than there are registered voters, with 200 percent voter turnout in 16 of those districts, the Democrats say.
Brown said the Democratic party's analysis of the central tabulator file has not yet revealed the cause of those discrepancies.
"We are continuing to try to get to the bottom of that," Brown said.
They never did get to the bottom of this.
This state is all set up for fraud.
The Koch brothers do not need to spend more money, they just need Karl Rove and his *new IT expert.
(*Karl Rove's last IT guy died in a small plane crash right before he was to be put on trial under oath in Ohio for election fraud)