McConnell Steps Out From Behind The Curtain & Speaks to Big Blue Nation ---It's a Disaster.
Today he stepped from behind the curtain and called into a radio show. And spoke.
Then this week on Monday a reliable poll drops and Grimes is up 46-44.
McConnell gets beat up on the radio by Jones again on Monday and Tuesday.
Finally McConnell calls in himself just a few minutes before eleven today. He will come in on in five minutes. Obviously tactical . . . he denies Jones a chance to prepare.
McConnell is combative throughout the interview. Condescending. Won't answer questions. Scripted. A disaster.
Why is this important? This is the LARGEST audience that will hear the candidates. Many more people (I'd suspect) listened to McConnell today on the radio than will hear Grimes and McConnell debate on Monday night on public television.
I've linked to the interview via Ky Sports Radio. It's 14 minutes long and well worth a listen in learning about McConnell's condescension and sense of entitlement that he is Kentucky's senator. And as a sidenote, he tries to play to the Kentucky audience that he is a HUGE Kentucky fan. Everyone knows this is a bunch of crap.
Anyway. Listen on. This is an important one if you're following this race.
The McConnell Interview on Kentucky Sports Radio:
Joe Sonka
Multiple conservative friends in KY telling me that McConnell was a disaster on KSR today.
fwiw. #kysen