The Republican Obstruction And Sabotage of the US Economy
The Cost To Our Economy From Republican Obstruction And Sabotage
Republicans have obstructed every effort to help the economy. In the Senate they filibustered hundreds of bills. In the House they refused to allow votes on efforts to help the economy. And then there's the sabotage.
The Republican political strategy has been to obstruct efforts to help the economy for everyone but the wealthiest few, and then campaign on complaints that the economy isn't helping anyone but the wealthiest few. It's working.
In President Obama's July 12 weekly address he said, "So far this year, Republicans in Congress have blocked every serious idea to strengthen the middle class." He could have said, "Since 2009." Since the 2009 "stimulus," Republicans have obstructed pretty much every effort to help the economy. In the Senate they have filibustered hundreds of bills, and since the "stimulus" they have managed to keep anything from passing that might help the economy.
In the House, Republicans have refused to allow votes on anything that seriously would help the economy, instead passing only tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations, spending cuts on essential things like maintaining our infrastructure and scientific research, and cutting regulations that protect people and the environment from being harmed by corporations seeking profit.