@One Eyed Mind,
One Eyed Mind wrote:
Well, my friend. They are all in that game together.
They are just the yin and yang of humanity's destruction.
How can you not see that for yourself? If they really weren't on each other's sides, they would NEVER be able to stay in the same room as each other!
Both sides supported a president that has changed nothing - the only thing they have changed, is how many steps away from changing this world we are.
Pure rhetoric...
The Democrats have stood firmly on a social platform since President Obama took office.
And they have the congressional and senate votes to PROVE it.
I can now see why others on this forum have been down on you...
It took the ENTIRE Democratic party and a couple Republicans to pass Obama Care's insurance reform to stop privatized insurance companies from gouging American who needed dire healthcare... The Republicans en masse have voted 50 times to repeal it... You don't know what you are talking about or you are simply unscrupulous.
So are you saying Republican are a ALL for raising taxes on the rich and stopping subsidies to dirty energy companies?
Will Republicans ALL vote for taxing the rich (fairly) and stopping subsidies to dirty energy if asked to vote tomorrow? The Democrats would probably ALL vote, if given the chance, tomorrow to tax the rich and stop dirty energy subsidies.
If what you say were true these vital votes would be split in the parties and not completely polarized...
What you have said is NOT true. The Republicans and their Tea Party cohorts are ALL that is wrong with this country. The Republicans are bought and paid for by the rich and could care less about the millions of HARD WORKING American middle class people.
Are you sure your mind even has one eye?