Wed 30 Jul, 2014 08:03 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
Texas Lawmaker Uses Ethnic Slur To Describe Child Victims Of Hurricane Katrina

That is enough to have all the Republicans put against the wall and shot. Get a life.
0 Replies
Wed 30 Jul, 2014 08:50 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
bobsal u1553115 wrote:


this is very sad.
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Thu 31 Jul, 2014 06:52 am
Michele Bachmann accuses Obama of wanting to experiment on immigrant children
By Arturo Garcia
Wednesday, July 30, 2014 17:20 EDT
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Michele Bachmann on CNN


Outgoing Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) accused President Barack Obama’s administration during a radio interview of encouraging more Central American immigrant minors to come to the U.S. for the purposes of procuring subjects for medical experiments, Right Wing Watch reported on Wednesday.

“We can’t imagine doing this,” she said. “But if you have a hospital, and they are gonna get millions of dollars in government grants so that they can conduct medical research on somebody — and a ward of the state can’t say no, a little kid can’t say no, if they’re a ward of the state — so here you could have an institution getting millions of dollars from our government to do medical experimentation, and a kid can’t even say no. It’s sick.”

According to Right Wing Watch, Bachmann’s claim is an offshoot of her introduction of “Justina’s Law,” named after Justina Pelletier, the Massachusetts teenager who was the focal point of a court battle between her parents and the state Department of Children and Families (DCF) dating back to February 2013.

Pelletier’s family and the agency’s dispute began when Boston Children’s Hospital diagnosed the girl with “a persistent and severe somatic symptom disorder,” countering an earlier diagnosis by Tufts Medical Center saying her inability to walk or eat was caused by mitochondrial disease. DCF was granted emergency custody over Pelletier until she turned 18 this past March, but the ruling was reversed three months later when juvenile court judge Joseph Johnston ruled that her parents had demonstrated they could provide adequate care for her.

Right Wing Watch reported that, according to Bachmann and other religious conservatives, the hospital diagnosed Pelletier with somatoform disorder because it wanted a federal grant to study the disease

Bachmann’s resolution, co-sponsored by Reps. Karen Bass (D-CA), Jim McDermott (D-WA), and Tom Marino (R-PA) subsequently accused Children’s Hospital and similar facilities of having “an internal policy that allows for children who are deemed ‘wards of the State,’ including foster children, to receive treatment or be involved in research that presents great risk even if there is no prospect of any benefit to the child.”

But in reality, the hospital’s policy only sanctions research involving “greater
than minimal risk with no prospect of direct benefit” if it is related to a child’s status as a ward. The policy also calls for any child included in this kind of study to have an advocate appointed to serve on their behalf in addition to any guardian or “in loco” family the child may have.

“We have 400,000 foster children in this country, and now President Barack Obama is trying to bring all of those foreign nationals, the illegal aliens, to the country and he has said that he will put them in the foster care system,” Bachmann said during her radio interview. “I will tell you from personal experience, we don’t have enough foster parents now in the country for the kids in America. We certainly don’t have enough foster parents for all of the illegal aliens that the president is trying to bring in right now.”

The remarks signify a slight change in tack from Bachmann, who earlier this month referred to the thousands of children who have emigrated from El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua as “invaders” and linked them to an unidentified rape case and a fatal 2008 auto accident.

Listen to Bachmann’s remarks, as posted online on Wednesday, below:
Frank Apisa
Thu 31 Jul, 2014 06:57 am
@bobsal u1553115,
If there is a GOD...please GOD, please let the Republican Party choose her as its presidential candidate!

She certainly symbolizes what the GOP has become...and she should get her chance to make her case for why she should be leading this country.

Please let it happen!

(I know the joke writers for the late night TV shows are hoping that same thing.)
bobsal u1553115
Thu 31 Jul, 2014 07:05 am
@Frank Apisa,
I know! PUHLEEZE let her get the nomination!
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Thu 31 Jul, 2014 07:13 am
Stephen Colbert buys Sarah Palin website

Palin got SarahPalinChannel.com, but she failed to get "TheSarahPalinChannel.com." That address is now in the hands of Colbert and his staff, as he announced on his show on Tuesday night. The site currently boasts a photo of Palin with the line "The only Sarah Palin Channel on the internet with a definite article in the address!"
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Thu 31 Jul, 2014 08:32 am
Chuck Todd is finally embarrassed
Oh...so I see that Chuck Todd is finally embarrassed by Washington because of all the impeachment talk. I have a few questions for Mr. Todd:

Were you embarrassed by the fact that our first African American President was required to produce a birth certificate?
Were you embarrassed when Rep. Joe Wilson shouted "You lie" to President Obama during a SOTU speech?
Were you embarrassed when the Republicans decided that 60 votes were required to pass ANYTHING in the Senate?
Were you embarrassed when a Vice Presidential candidate claimed that Barack Obama "palled around with terrorists?"
Were you embarrassed when Republicans made up the lie about death panels in Obamacare?
Were you embarrassed when the Republicans held the global economy hostage over raising the debt ceiling?
Were you embarrassed when the Republicans shut the government down in an attempt to repeal Obamacare?
Were you embarrassed when Republicans politicized the death of 4 Americans in Benghazi?
Were you embarrassed when Republicans called President Obama an unconstitutional tyrant?

If none of those things embarrassed you as an American who happens to be a political journalist, then you're an idiot! Chuck Todd - you are an embarrassment to your profession.
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Thu 31 Jul, 2014 09:38 am
Louisiana Republican Flees Interview When Asked About Obama's Birthplace

Colin Campbell

Jul. 30, 2014, 7:51 AM

A Republican congressional candidate fled her interview with a major election-forecasting group after being asked why she believed global warming was a hoax and whether President Barack Obama was born in the United States, according to a new report in The Washington Post.

In the Post, David Wasserman, the House editor at the Cook Political Report, detailed his strange encounter with the "frightening" and "fact-averse" Louisiana State Rep. Lenar Whitney.

Whitney, who is running for Louisiana's open sixth district, gained some prominence in June when she released a campaign video blasting global warming as a "hoax" and the press as "lamestream media." Wasserman said he pressed Whitney on the issue of climate change only to find her unable to answer his questions.

"But it’s not unreasonable to expect candidates to explain how they arrived at their positions, and when I pressed Whitney repeatedly for the source of her claim that the earth is getting colder, she froze and was unable to cite a single scientist, journal, or news source to back up her beliefs," he wrote.

Wasserman said he attempted to "change the subject" and ask whether she believed Obama was born in the United States. Her aides then ended the interview.

"When she replied that it was a matter of some controversy, her two campaign consultants quickly whisked her out of the room, accusing me of conducting a 'Palin-style interview,'" he continued. "It was the first time in hundreds of Cook Political Report meetings that a candidate has fled the room."

Whitney could not immediately be reached for comment.

Update (10:10 a.m.): In a Facebook post last week, after the interview was conducted, Whitney slammed the Cook Political Report. "It was obvious, from the onset of the interview, that Wasserman had planned to jump me simply because I am a Conservative Woman and liberal shills like Dave Wasserman want to destroy us," she wrote.
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Thu 31 Jul, 2014 09:44 am
The GOP's minimum wage nuttiness
Wednesday, July 30, 2014 | Posted by Jim Hightower
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Anyone who works full time, ought not live in poverty. Period.

Raising the minimum wage above the poverty level, is not a question of economics (even though it would be a big plus for our economy), but a question of morality. Who are we as a people, a nation – especially in the richest nation in the world – if we dishonor the work ethic with a wholly-unethical wage floor? It's disgraceful, which is why three out of four Americans support raising the floor, including a majority of Republicans.

Yet, the wage stays stuck at the unconscionable level of $7.25 an hour because Republican leaders are stuck on the low-wage dogma dictated by corporate elites.

At a forum in April, GOP congress critter Dennis Ross of Tampa was confronted by a fast-food worker who asked him to support a minimum wage hike. "Who's going to pay for it?" snapped Ross, who's paid $174,000 a year by us taxpayers. A person in the audience rose to say he'd gladly pay a little more for a hamburger so workers could be paid a decent wage – a comment that prompted applause from the crowd. Yet Ross railed against the very idea of a minimum wage: "If the government's going to tell me how much I can get paid… then we have a serious problem in this country."

Yes, we do have a serious problem, and its name is Dennis Ross. Or, let's call it Lamar Alexander. The Republican Senator from Tennessee said of the minimum wage, "I do not believe in it." Indeed, he "believes" in the immorality of letting executive-suite kleptocrats set sub-sub-sub-subpoverty pay scales to impoverish America's workforce. Or, how about John Boehner, the GOP Speaker of the House, he's gone operatic on the issue, declaring that he would "commit suicide before I vote [to raise the] minimum wage."

These guys aren't just out of touch – they're nuts!

"In Denial," www.thinkprogress.org, April 16, 2014.

"3 Out of 4 Americans Agree: It’s Time to Raise the Wage," www.social.dol.gov, January 15, 2014.
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Thu 31 Jul, 2014 09:49 am
@bobsal u1553115,
Shouldn't the wage be set by the states? Is there anything in the Constitution that says the federal govt should be involved in setting wages?
cicerone imposter
Thu 31 Jul, 2014 10:50 am
The feds sets the national minimum; the states can increase those federal minimums as they see fit. Don't you understand anything about federal and state laws? Even some cities increase their minimums above the state minimum.

See how that works? Maybe not.
0 Replies
Thu 31 Jul, 2014 11:38 am
@Frank Apisa,
Frank Apisa wrote:

If there is a GOD...please GOD, please let the Republican Party choose her as its presidential candidate!

She certainly symbolizes what the GOP has become...and she should get her chance to make her case for why she should be leading this country.

Please let it happen!

(I know the joke writers for the late night TV shows are hoping that same thing.)

The Republican party has NOTHING good to offer the world...
Thu 31 Jul, 2014 11:56 am
Obama Promise Kept: Record Price for Electricity

Remember when Obama promised that he would make the price we pay for electricity skyrocket? That was before he was elected. Rising electricity prices raise all other prices, in addition to lowering employment by increasing the price of doing business. As energy prices rice, our standard of living declines. Yet people voted for Obama anyway, possibly out of ignorance, possibly out of disbelief that he could really be as hostile to this country as he seemed. They are paying a price for their foolishness — and so are the rest of us:

For the first time ever, the average price for a kilowatthour (KWH) of electricity in the United States has broken through the 14-cent mark, climbing to a record 14.3 cents in June, according to data released last week by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. …

The 14.3-cents average price for a KWH recorded this June is about 4.4 percent higher than that previous record. …

Although the price for an average KWH hit its all-time record in June, the seasonally adjusted electricity price index–which measures changes in the price of electricity relative to a value of 100 and adjusts for seasonal fluctuations in price–hit its all-time high of 209.341 in March of this year, according to BLS.

It isn’t because we lack resources. America now leads the world in untapped fossil fuel reserves.

0 Replies
Thu 31 Jul, 2014 11:59 am
I wouldn't say that.
Thu 31 Jul, 2014 12:23 pm
Baldimo wrote:

I wouldn't say that.

The republican party has even corrupted the few that were good. Olympia Snowe ditched the party.... Susan Collins accepted their bribes... VOTE HER OUT! Take your money Susan and leave.
Thu 31 Jul, 2014 12:34 pm
You seem to think the GOP is the only party that has nothing to offer and the only one that are crooks.

We could go back and forth on who is worse but what would that prove? IL has how many ex-governors in prison right now? 3? A trial just started this week for a GOP gov and his wife. Corruption knows no bounds. To think the Dem's are inherently "better" than the GOP is a pipe dream. It is the rate politician that isn't corrupt.
cicerone imposter
Thu 31 Jul, 2014 12:40 pm
It would prove many things including, but not limited to:
1 GW Bush's illegal wars that were never paid for
2 GW Bush's Great Recession
3 GW Bush's approval of torture
4 GW Bush revealed Plume as a CIA covert operative
5 GW Bush's lame duck after the 2006 midterm elections losing both houses
6 GW Bush's announcement that 'major combat operations are over' in 2003 with the banner MISSION ACCOMPLISHED - but that war lasted ten more years
Thu 31 Jul, 2014 12:44 pm
5 GW Bush's lame duck after the 2006 midterm elections losing both houses

Obama will be quacking shortly.
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Thu 31 Jul, 2014 12:56 pm
The GOP's Minimum Wage Nuttiness....by Jim Hightower
Jim Hightower
July 30, 2014

Anyone who works full time, ought not live in poverty, period.
Raising the minimum wage above the poverty level, is not a question of economics
(even though it would be a big plus for our economy), but a question of morality.
Who are we as a people, a nation - especially in the richest nation in the world - if we dishonor the work ethic with a wholly-unethical wage floor?
It's disgraceful, which is why three out of four Americans support raising the floor, including a majority of Republicans.

Yet, the wage stays stuck at the unconscionable level of $ 7.25 an hour because Republican leaders are stuck on the low-wage dogma dictated by corporate elites.

At a forum in April, GOP Congress critter Dennis Ross of Tampa was confronted by a fast-food worker who asked him to support a minimum wage hike.
"Who's going to pay for it?" snapped Ross, who's paid $174,000 a year by us taxpayers.
A person in the audience rose to say he'd gladly pay a little more for a hamburger so workers could be paid a decent wage - a comment that prompted applause from the crowd.
Yet Ross railed against the very idea of a minimum wage.
"If the government's going to tell me how much I can get paid...then we have a serious problem in this country."

Yes, we do have a serious problem, and it's name is Dennis Ross.
Or, let's call it Lamar Alexander
The Republican Senator from Tennessee said of the minimum wage, "I do not believe in it."
Indeed, he "believes' in the immorality of letting executive-suite kleptocrats set sub-sub-sub-sub-poverty pay scales to impoverish America's workforce.
Or, how about John Boehner, the GOP Speaker of the House, he's gone operatic on the issue,
declaring that he would "commit suicide before I vote to raise the minimum wage."

These guys aren't just out of touch -- they're nuts!


0 Replies
Thu 31 Jul, 2014 01:01 pm
@cicerone imposter,
I don't reply to you often so lets see how this goes.

1) Which war was ever paid for ahead of time? NONE WWII wasn't paid off till 2006.

2) "Bush's" Great Ression? More later

3) We have different opinions of what is torture. I don't think anything done in Gitmo was torture.

4) Bush didn't reveal Plume, that was Scotter Libby. In another note the Obama admin gave away the name of one of the ME main CIA admins. That was in the last 2 months.

5) This goes to #2. Who was in charge of the Senate after 2006? The Dems. Why didn't they do anything to stop the recession before it even started? They had almost 2 years to correct it and did nothing.

6) Major combat ops were over. The war that Bush provided the timeline for, that Obama takes credit for.

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