Tue 15 Jul, 2014 06:58 am
coldjoint wrote:

. And you pick your numbers, and the RW will pick theirs.

I use numbers from actual sources. You seem to just pick them out of the air and then pretend they must be true. Delusional seems to be the perfect description of your mindset.
0 Replies
Tue 15 Jul, 2014 07:09 am
At some point accusations can become a valid opinion if there are some facts to support it.

Case in point, McNamara in your first link. We know that Vietnamese and US soldiers died. There is little dispute of that fact. There is some disagreement as to whether the war was started with lies to the American people. There appears to be some valid evidence that could support that conclusion. But when it comes to accusing McNamara of helping kill those people then it does seem to be a lie. It goes far beyond what the evidence shows.

The accusation that Bush deserted would be a lie. There is no evidence to support it. That Bush joined the ANG to avoid service in Vietnam is possible since it is what many did at the time. Can it be stated as fact? No. Is it supported by circumstantial evidence of some fashion? Yes. Does it make Bush a bad person? No more than the other millions, including Clinton, Limbaugh, Cheney, that tried to avoid going to Vietnam.
0 Replies
Tue 15 Jul, 2014 07:10 am
I guess the US Constitution doesn't matter to some Former Platoon Mates these days.
Tue 15 Jul, 2014 09:04 am
I guess the US Constitution doesn't matter to some Former Platoon Mates these days.

The fact that it does is why you insist on saying what you do. Treason is a Constitutional matter. And those soldiers that served with honor(not Bergdhal) know it.
Tue 15 Jul, 2014 10:47 am
Treason? Perhaps you should read what the Constitution has to say about treason. Bergdahl has not met the standard and certainly hasn't been convicted of it.

But it seems you prefer to **** on the US Constitution as well.
Tue 15 Jul, 2014 02:49 pm
Bergdahl has not met the standard and certainly hasn't been convicted of it.

Number of fucks given-0
Tue 15 Jul, 2014 02:55 pm
Bergdahl **** on the Constitution when he left his battle buddies in a war zone, it wasn't even the Constitution I'm concerned with, he left his battle buddies. To me that is a crime greater then running off to join the enemy.

Besides, the Constitution doesn't apply in the case of Bergdahl, he would be tried under the UCMJ, Uniform Code of Military Justice. Civilian courts have no say on this matter, it is purely military.
Tue 15 Jul, 2014 02:59 pm
Black Conservatives to Counter NAACP Conference in Las Vegas With Liberty Event

A good time for it too. Blacks are up in arms about these new children(right) popping in over the border. And the money being spent on them.

Borelli plans to sponsor an event in the same hotel during the NAACP's annual convention in Las Vegas next week. FreedomWorks’s Liberty Summit event will be held on Monday, July 21 from 2pm to 5pm at the Mandalay Bay Hotel.

"I will moderate the event and will focus on how Obama's war on coal is preferentially harming the black community where unemployment is double that of white Americans and have the lowest average incomes," Borelli said. "We plan on focusing on 3 topics for the Empower Liberty Summit: Education, Employment, Energy. We also have a table in the exhibit hall."

0 Replies
Tue 15 Jul, 2014 03:32 pm
The UCMJ applies the same rules of guilt as civilian courts.
Tue 15 Jul, 2014 03:36 pm
coldjoint wrote:

Bergdahl has not met the standard and certainly hasn't been convicted of it.

Number of fucks given-0

I realize you don't give a **** about your country or the US Constitution. You prove that almost every day as you post your pink **** for brains comments.
Tue 15 Jul, 2014 07:35 pm
I realize you don't give a **** about your country

When are you going to realize that what you realize comes from somebody(you) defending an obviously corrupt and anti -American administration. Which means, guess how many fucks are given.
0 Replies
Tue 15 Jul, 2014 07:45 pm
Hillary picked a bad week to stop sniffing glue

The Masked Avenger relays:

It’s a bad day in Hillary land.

First it was reported that Ready for Hillary got outraised by Ben Carson’s PAC, then the Free Beacon discovered that the Hillary staff collaborated with the University of Arkansas to ban the Free Beacon from the Clinton docs, the New York Post revealed that Schumer worked against Clinton in her 2000 Senate race, and finally CNN reported that liberals aren’t so keen on another Clinton in the White House and want Elizabeth Warren, one West Virginia Dem said “I am very torn because I want a Democrat in the White House, but I’m not sure its Hillary. To me she would be more of the same.”

And a report from the Washington Post read much the same, with “several attendees pleading with her [Elizabeth Warren] to run for president.”

Seems that air of inevitability is slipping away just as fast as her poll numbers are.

What a shame. Warren won't win a presidential election.
0 Replies
Wed 16 Jul, 2014 12:07 am
On the other hand, a new Pew Research Center poll of millenials shows Hillary handily wiping the floor with every potential Republican contender, And when President Clinton is ready to hand over the keys to the White House to her successor, Elizabeth Warren will be ready.
0 Replies
Wed 16 Jul, 2014 09:28 am
There are slight differences in how the UCMJ works and the civilian law works. There is no civilian law for desertion and or AWOL. I don't know the full differences but from what I understand, there is a different evidence standard, a jury of officers can find you guilty without having all member of the jury being in agreement.
Wed 16 Jul, 2014 10:20 am
There is still a presumption of innocence.

And since Berghdahl hasn't been charged he is on active duty. What is the army supposed to do with him while they are investigating if not put him on duty? Discharge him? Send him home without pay?
Wed 16 Jul, 2014 11:02 am
What Kind of Person

What kind of person (while supporting the death penalty) fights tooth and nail so a woman or young girl who is a victim of rape and/or incest is forced to bear an unwanted child of a vicious animal predator of a human being?

What kind of person denies children healthy school lunches so they get obese, their teeth rot and they grow up on welfare?

What kind of person denies disabled and old people welfare?

What kind of person would rather people buy health insurance that is not worth the paper it is written on than to see laws enacted so health insurance is there if YOU get sick?

What kind of person thinks that being a women is a preexisting condition and a reason for health insurance denial?

What kind person hates woman so much that they would force them to live under barbaric religious, male dominated tyranny?

What kind of person would rather throw their gay child out into the drug and disease infested streets than simply accept them for who they are?

What kind of person would rather accept money from dirty polluting industries rather than live within their means and instead treat our earth with the respect and care that behooves a thinking and rational adult?

What kind of person accepts bribes from gun lobbies so crazy lunatics have unfettered access to semi automatic weapons so they can go shoot up schools full of children?

What kind of person watches Fox News?

What kind of person supports these greedy profit making machines like Walmart and fast food services like Papa Johns who will not even pay their workers a living wage but instead expect tax payers to foot the bill for their theft of services?

What kind of person puts money into the church's collection plate while the church instead of feeding the poor uses that money to Hobbly Lobby insane political agendas against a women's right to contraception?

What kind of person hates an elected President of the United States of America just because of the color of his skin?

What kind of person supports wars and prisons for profit while trying to attack social safety nets?

What kind of person would take money from school education and give it to filthy rich, corporations?

What kind of person fight regulations so fertilizer factories can blow up and rivers can become polluted for many years to come?

What kind of person fights wind and solar energy and using tax payer money to fund public infrastructure?

What kind of person hates our revered government that is elected by the people and sworn to uphold our U.S. Constitution so they can instead kowtow to lawless corporations?

What kind of person is in favor of starving our economy regardless of what it is doing to the middle class, just to see a black President fail?

What kind of person is in favor of starting wars and then votes against veterans pay?

What kind of person votes to shut down our government costing the tax payers billions and what kind of person votes to not raise the debt ceiling just to hurt America's credit across the globe? ...just to make a racist statement...


These people....
cicerone imposter
Wed 16 Jul, 2014 11:05 am
That's the description and picture of the devil incarnate; John Boehner.
Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil
0 Replies
Wed 16 Jul, 2014 11:17 am
Wow what a fictitious and bombastic rant. Why the fake hate Rex?
Wed 16 Jul, 2014 11:18 am
Discharge him? Send him home without pay?

Why not they are giving officers pink slips that are on active duty right now.
cicerone imposter
Wed 16 Jul, 2014 11:22 am
Fake hate? Please provide evidence that the list is "fake hate?" Your challenge against the person rather than the subject is called an ad hominem.

ad ho·mi·nem
ˈad ˈhämənəm/
adverb & adjective
(of an argument or reaction) arising from or appealing to the emotions and not reason or logic.

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