joint says:
Quote: You said scientific research proves it. What was used as a control group in analyzing our climate? Speculation of past weather is really not all that is possible when only extremes showing up.
that you make these statements shows that you in fact, as I suspected, have absolutely no idea of what the research shows, or how it has been done. Just as I suspected. You're just mindlessly parroting what the right wing blogs and Faux news tell you. As CI says, control groups are not the only way science is done. Climate research is based on directo observatio and the laws of chemistry and physics, our knowledge of geology, atmospherics, and biology,among other disciplines, and a number of proxies, phenomena that co-vary with temperature change, when something may be farther back than we have direct observation. What's been learned is not "speculation" as you call it. There is solid evidence, not just for extremes either, but for the actual state of the "average" (and it's NOT "weather" as you describe it. """Weather" is the day to day stuff. "
"Climate" is what the earth does over a long period, and how it changes over decades to centureies to millennia).
We know from direct observation, for example, the temperature of the earth for close to the last century and a half. We know ocean temps since before WWII (they weren't taking them because they thought climate change was happening, but they were taking them), we know temerature of the atmosphere by direct satellite observation since the mid 79s (and solar output as well), We know CO2 content of the atmosphere for the last 700,000 years or so by direct observation, since samples of it are preserved encapsulated in ice cores for the last six ice ages/interglacials from Greenland and Antarctica. We know the CO2 content of the atmosphere by direct observation since before WWII, and we know it's changing and the change is due to fossil fuel burning because the isotopic ratios of CO2,in the atmosphere is changing-- the C12/C13/C14 ratio of fossil fuel is distinctive and different than the naturally occurring ratios, and the atmosphere is changing as more fossil fuel CO@ is added to it.
There is, in other words, joint, a huge amount of research in a huge number of different, , disciplines, with different methodologies, concerned with other questions than climate change, ALL of which reinforce the fact that climate change IS going on, and we are the cause of it. Despite what the Koch brothers, and their coal interests are spending huge amounts of money in an attempt to obfuscate it.