bobsal u1553115
Sat 31 May, 2014 09:45 am
@cicerone imposter,
We spend as much as the next eleven countries added together. ELEVEN.
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Sat 31 May, 2014 09:46 am
Don't be so modest. Any country you're in is the pit of stupidity.
bobsal u1553115
Sat 31 May, 2014 09:49 am
Conservative tide continues to ebb, particularly on social issues
David Lauter

Conservatives have long outnumbered liberals, but the left is catching up, new Gallup polling shows

A waning conservative advantage could pose problems for Republicans in future elections

On social issues, roughly equal numbers of Americans identify as liberals and conservatives, Gallup finds

Self-professed conservatives have long outnumbered liberals in America, but the gap has narrowed significantly in the last four years, particularly on social issues, a shift that could harm GOP prospects in future elections.

On social issues, the number of people who identify themselves as liberal is now almost equal to the share who say they are conservative, according to the latest polling by Gallup. For years, conservatives held an advantage.

About one-third of Americans identify with either group. Another third call themselves moderates on social issues. As recently as 2010, conservatives had a 17-point advantage over liberals on social issues in Gallup’s polling.

A similar shift has taken place on economic issues, although the conservative advantage remains bigger in that realm.

Just as a rising conservative tide helped Republicans in 2010, a waning one -- if it continues – could pose problems for the party in future elections. Republican strategists already worry about the gap separating the party from black, Latino and Asian American voters, and an ideological gap would add to their burden.
Conservative lead on social and economic ideology shrinking
Figures are the percentage identifying as conservative minus the percentage identifying as liberal

Measuring how people identify themselves ideologically doesn’t necessarily reveal how they will vote on specific issues or candidates. Many Americans do not have consistent ideologies. Moreover, a person who identifies as a moderate in a place like California might easily be considered liberal in Texas. But the shift in how Americans identify themselves on social issues has coincided with stronger support for liberal positions on issues including same-sex marriage, the death penalty and legalized marijuana.

Moreover, shifts in ideological identification do provide some clues to voting patterns. Typically, the public becomes more liberal when conservatives hold power and more conservative under liberal administrations – seemingly reacting against the perceived excesses of whichever party holds power.

@knox.bob.xpg No question we have a "very divisive government." But we also have a very divisive media, a very divisive society, a very divisive culture. So which comes first, the chicken or the egg?
surf city rod
at 5:58 PM May 30, 2014

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That tendency proved dramatically true after President Obama’s election, when a conservative flood began to gather in 2009 and peaked in 2010.

Since then, however, the tide has ebbed. The conservative edge on social issues, 4 percentage points, is the smallest Gallup has measured in the 14 years it has tracked American ideologies. On economic issues, the gap was significant, with conservatives at 42% to 21% for liberals, with 34% calling themselves moderate. But the conservative advantage has narrowed from 36 percentage points in 2010 to the current 21 points, matching the narrowest previous gap, in 2007 and 2008, when Obama first won the presidency.
Related story: Republicans poised for midterm gains, polling indicates
Related story: Republicans poised for midterm gains, polling indicates
David Lauter

Public opinion has not moved across the board. On social issues, the Republican identification as conservative has held steady while Democrats have become more likely to call themselves liberal.

On economic issues, the two parties have moved away from each other. Republicans and independents who lean toward the GOP are far more likely to call themselves conservative now than they were a decade ago. Among Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents, the largest share identify as moderates on economic issues, but the share who call themselves liberal has grown from about one-quarter a decade ago to more than one-third now.

The findings underscore earlier polling suggesting the country is more polarized than in the past.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Sat 31 May, 2014 09:58 am
@bobsal u1553115,
Conservatives seem sheltered from reality; that the younger generation are more liberal minded, and will tend towards democratic ideals. The GOP has already alienated minorities, seniors, women, gays and lesbians, and mothers.

Their primary concern, Benghazi and ACA are a joke when there are so many important issues they should be addressing for our country.

How they have managed to "live this long" is the mystery of our times.
Sat 31 May, 2014 11:18 am
@cicerone imposter,
Their primary concern, Benghazi and ACA are a joke when there are so many important issues they should be addressing for our country.

Like Obama addressing the concussion problem in the NFL. Or Democratic senators trying to force a team to change its name. Seems that football is the Democratic focus.

And the Republicans have the senior vote. In your case, they don't have the senile.
0 Replies
Sat 31 May, 2014 11:35 am
$5 Billion for Muslims to Train Muslims to Fight Muslims? $25M Reward Couldn’t Buy bin Laden’s Death

Bad idea. Pouring money at a problem that is only a symptom of the Islamic doctrine. The money will be used for anything but. Obama aids terror with ideas like these. Let's hope Congress tells him to **** off.

How would infidels train the anti-terrorist fighters? What Rules of Engagement will we insist upon for our $5 million, and how do we rodeo where the money goes? Yes, we can ‘give’ the funds to one entity and demand they sign an official paper, but we cannot make them keep the bargain, and nearly every Muslim in every Muslim country can be bought off by any “extremist” terrorist that comes along, and if he/she can’t be bought off, he/she can be killed.

0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Sat 31 May, 2014 06:10 pm

Gun Activists With Assault Rifles Harass Marine Veteran on Memorial Day

"Are you gonna cry? Sounds like you're about to cry." Watch armed men pursue a vet through downtown Fort Worth.

—Mark Follman on Fri. May 30, 2014 6:00 AM PDT

On Memorial Day this week, a former Marine in Texas named James got a couple calls from friends who'd spotted an unusual gathering in downtown Fort Worth: Roughly a dozen people, mostly men, were hanging out in the middle of the city's cultural district, armed with semi-automatic rifles. James quickly knew what his friends were describing, having recently encountered an open-carry demonstration himself in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. An independent TV commercial producer who sometimes films live events, James headed downtown with his camera to get some footage.

What he saw there struck him as especially provocative. Not only had the open-carry activists come to a typically relaxed, family friendly part of town, they were displaying intimidating firearms just three days after a major gun massacre in Southern California. What he didn't anticipate was that they would soon be pursuing him for several city blocks with cameras of their own, harassing him and later posting the footage online, where they would also level homophobic slurs and violent threats against him.

Women who speak out have been the primary target for gun activists, as I detailed in a recent investigation. But now, on a day meant to honor fallen service members, a military vet would make the hit list.

James, who asked that his last name not be used, knows his way around guns. He served for four years in the US Marines infantry, where he earned several awards for marksmanship. He is a gun owner, he told me, and a strong supporter of the Second Amendment and concealed-carry rights. But while carrying rifles publicly is legal in Texas, he felt that these guys—supporters of a movement that seeks to legalize the open carrying of handguns—were crossing a line.

The men, members of the groups Open Carry Texas and Open Carry Tarrant County, asked him which news network he was with. When he said he wasn't, things began turning frosty. They pressed him about what he thought of their demonstration, and he replied with an unvarnished opinion that included profanities, language he told me he regrets having used.

"I'm all for responsible gun owners," he says. "What I was taught was not to wear it around like a gold chain. What they're doing is irresponsible. It intimidates the public, and people have just as much right to be comfortable in their public environment as these guys have a right to own their firearms."

Suddenly he was surrounded by about a half-dozen armed men. They started badgering him with questions and accusing him of being anti-American. "I said, 'Are you kidding me? I served in the military.' They were trying to intimidate me, and when I didn't cower that upset them," he said. But he was starting to feel nervous and decided to disengage and walk away.

In a video obtained by Mother Jones that was posted online later that day by one of the activists, the group can be seen pursuing and harassing James through downtown Fort Worth. "I'm following this guy around," declares one of them, setting off after him with his weapon slung across his back. He and others stay right behind James for several city blocks, following him through traffic and taunting him along the way. James grows more agitated and tells them off, calling them assholes and bullies.

"We're being polite, you're calling people names," one of the gun activists pursuing him says.

"You're not being polite out here with assault rifles the weekend after people lost their children," James retorts, before again trying to walk away.

The harassment continues down the street. "Are you gonna cry?" one says. "Sounds like you're about to cry." Another says: "What's wrong with that guy—is he a liberal?

"Yeah," the other replies.

"Big time?"


Eventually they follow him to a parking lot (where, in the background, there just so happens to be a Chipotle). As James gets into his vehicle, the gun activists zoom in on his company's name and contact info appearing on the side of his truck, as well as his license plate, vowing to post it all online. [Mother Jones has redacted the personal information they included in the video.]

After the video went up on YouTube and Facebook, James pushed back in the comments sections, only to be met with increasing hostility.

"That guy obviously thinks he's a badass talking **** to armed citizens," one gun activist said. "When [the **** hits the fan] I'll be happy to smash assholes like him."

When one of the guys who'd followed him suggested posting the video to multiple sites, another said they should "put really gay background music to it."

"He wasn't Marine Corps infantry," declared another. "Or he got out due to 'don't ask don't tell.' What a fruit."

"Who here wants to help ruin him?" said another.
image: facebook comments 2

The footage the group posted was not the first such effort to intimidate by exposing someone's personal information: As I reported recently, in April members of Open Carry Texas outed a concerned schoolteacher who had called police in Plano, Texas, and she was soon hit with a barrage of harassment and violent threats by phone and email. James faced similar treatment this week, he told me, with harassers saying he was a "******* faggot" and "this guy needs his jaw broken."

James shared his story only reluctantly, but he is also adamant, he says, that what the gun activists are doing is wrong. And he's far from alone in that view: He has since also received many positive calls and messages of support, he says—including from a couple of vocal open-carry supporters, one of whom invited him to go to a firing range together.

After multiple rejections from corporate restaurants and a wave of negative publicity, several Texas open-carry groups put out a joint statement last week asking their supporters to dial back the provocative tactics. Some hardcore followers balked at that, but now even some rank and file gun activists have expressed doubt in online comments about this latest incident. "Following him makes you the bad guy and could be considered intimidation," one said. A member of Open Carry Texas—who himself participated in that group's intimidation tactics against women—also disapproved of the footage, or at least of its public airing. "Nothing about this video benefits our movement," he said.

Friends of carpface, no doubt, All full of worry over how veterans are treated in this country.
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Sat 31 May, 2014 07:04 pm
bobsal u1553115
Sat 31 May, 2014 07:06 pm
Scott Walker is falling apart: The little corruption problem he just can’t shake (Salon)

Well, Walker has a little corruption problem that he just can’t seem to shake. In brief, the governor is being investigated by prosecutors for illegally coordinating with conservative groups, an investigation that sprang from an earlier one investigating Walker’s previous tenure as Milwaukee Country executive. Three of Walker’s close aides were indicted on felony embezzlement charges and charges were brought against a major campaign donor along with one of his appointees. But it’s the newer investigation that’s giving the Walker people heartburn:

The John Doe probe began in August of 2012 and is examining possible “illegal campaign coordination between (name redacted), a campaign committee, and certain special interest groups,” according to an unsealed filing in the case. Sources told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel the redacted committee is the Walker campaign, Friends of Scott Walker. Campaign filings show that Walker spent $86,000 on legal fees in the second half of 2013.


In a letter sent Wednesday, the Washington, D.C., attorney representing the Wisconsin Club for Growth and one of its directors questioned whether a special prosecutor in the case is negotiating with the GOP governor’s campaign to seek concessions that the club might oppose.


And the team leaders are hopping mad. Here’s the Wall Street Journal’s reaction to the news:

Walker might think he can help himself with a settlement, but he’d be letting down his allies if he did so in a way that lets the bogus theory of illegal coordination survive. Wisconsin has an especially pernicious regulatory machine that targets political speech, and the legal backlash to the John Doe probe offers a rare chance to dismantle it. Mr. Walker is a hero to many for his fight against public unions, but he will tarnish that image if he sells out the cause for some short-term re-election reassurance.

Biting the hand that feeds you Scotty?
cicerone imposter
Sat 31 May, 2014 07:16 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
Why is it that all these 'upstanding' citizens of this country are being charged with so many different kinds of crimes? And they're mostly conservatives! LOL

Here's an interesting article from politicus.usa.
As Republicans are currently grasping at straws in their never-ending attempt to somehow impeach President Barack Obama, a real scandal is brewing at the state level for one of the Republican’s, and more specifically Tea Party’s, golden boys.

For Koch-backed Wisconsin governor Scott Walker, his re-election campaign just got a whole lot tougher.

News broke late Thursday that thousands of pages of public records, acquired over a 33-month secret John Doe investigation involving Walker’s campaign aides, must be turned over by prosecutors to Milwaukee County. The ruling was made by retired Appeals Court Judge Neil Nettesheim, the man who had originally ordered the investigation closed in March of 2013. Should those records be turned over, copies of the them may be requested by the public thanks to Wisconsin’s open records law. Already, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel has penned an editorial to Milwaukee County Executive Chris Abele, asking him to release the records for the public to see. Should Abele release the records, they more than likely will end the political career of Scott Walker.

Ever since his political ascension in 2010, Scott Walker has been treading on thin ice. With backing from the Koch brothers, Walker rose to national stardom after he successfully gutted collective bargaining rights for union workers in Wisconsin despite massive and ongoing protests. In addition to his assault on unions, Walker also cut a billion dollars from Wisconsin’s special education budget as well as $500 million from the state’s Medicaid fund. Due to his blatant attacks against the working class, the people of Wisconsin attempted to oust Walker from the governorship in 2012 via a special recall election. However, thanks to big money backing from the Koch brothers and other right-wing allies, Walker survived the recall election and continued to serve out his term.

Unfortunately for Walker, you can only be a Koch stooge for so long before karma catches up with you.
0 Replies
Sat 31 May, 2014 09:06 pm

Unfortunately for Obama, you can only be a Soros stooge for so long before karma catches up with you.

0 Replies
Sat 31 May, 2014 09:10 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
4,000 a year for the people who provide the jobs for people to earn a living? If we give it all to welfare there will be no jobs. And everyone will be government dependent. Wonder which party would like that?
0 Replies
Sat 31 May, 2014 09:18 pm

Defunding the Department of Justice’
Bag of Dirty “Dragnet” Tricks

The U.S. House determined that the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) Operation Choke Point was cutting off “legitimate businesses from their banking lines.” Rather than acting as an anti-fraud program, Holder was using Choke Point to keep programs “objectionable” to the administration, from receiving ordinary banking services. Steps to defund the program, through an amendment to the DOJ appropriations bill, passed in the House. Among the main targets of Operation Choke Point are gun and ammo merchants. Nothing is more “objectionable” to the DOJ than the Second Amendment, unless it’s white males.


Rep. Darrell Issa said Operation Choke Point is the DOJ’s “newest abuse of power:”

“If the administration believes some businesses should be out of business, they should prosecute them before a judge and jury. By forcibly conscripting banks to do their bidding, the Justice Department has avoided any review and any check on their power.” Source: Washington Times

The owner of Powderhorn Outfitters in Massachusetts says after 20 years of perfect financial dealings with TD Bank, they were denied a loan, “not because of our credit…just because we sell guns — and they said that to us specifically….”

Powderhorn Outfitters, which sells firearms, archery gear and fishing equipment in Hyannis, Massachusetts, posted in an online forum this week that its longtime bank — TD Bank — had suddenly dropped its account.

“TD Bank does not support the Second Amendment and has contacted us here at the Powderhorn to say that due to our involvement in firearms sales, we as a business are no longer welcome to have an account at their bank,” the sporting goods store posted on, an online forum for shooting enthusiasts in New England states. “They classify us in the same gray area as the local weed shops sprouting up on the Cape.” Source: Washington Times

The United States Consumer Coalition was formed to fight Operation Choke Point.

“They’re targeting various industries, using banks as the weapon of choice.”

“Many of these industries have been around for decades, have been the breadwinners for their households and are being run by good and decent people around the country,” he said. ~ Thomas Bezas, Executive Director, The United States Consumer Coalition

In January 2014, in the same article linked, is a portion of letter from Issa and Congressman Jim Jordan:

“extraordinary breadth of the [Justice] Department’s dragnet prompts concern that the true goal of Operation Choke Point is not to cut off actual fraudsters’ access to the financial system but rather to eliminate legal financial services to which the Department objects,”…

“Defunding” government is a constitutional weapon the House should should have put to use at least three years ago.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Sat 31 May, 2014 09:22 pm
Here, ice brain, just for you!
Sat 31 May, 2014 09:31 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Here, ice brain, just for you!

That guy is more useless than you. Calling people haters is just laziness. And laziness is a liberal staple.
Sat 31 May, 2014 09:55 pm
BTW ColdDoperino you're not even an exceptional hater, just a run of the mill FuckTard that hasn't had an original thought that hasn't been spoon fed to you by the wingnut echo press.

Here's something fer ya ColdDope--it's worth a little more than all of your hate filled posts combined.

cicerone imposter
Sat 31 May, 2014 09:59 pm
That 'guy' had tens of thousands of innocent Iraqis killed, and he can still sleep at night. It's more than just cold-hearted; it's no heart for humans.

From Wiki.
Source Casualties Time period
Associated Press 110,600 violent deaths March 2003 to April 2009
Costs of War Project 176,000–189,000 violent deaths including 134,000 civilians[1][2][3]
March 2003 to February 2013
Iraq Body Count project 112,667–123,284 civilian deaths from violence. 174,000 civilian and combatant deaths[4][5][6][7]
March 2003 to March 2013
Iraq Family Health Survey 151,000 violent deaths March 2003 to June 2006
Lancet survey 601,027 violent deaths out of 654,965 excess deaths March 2003 to June 2006
Opinion Research Business survey 1,033,000 deaths as a result of the conflict March 2003 to August 2007
PLOS Medicine Survey[8] Approximately 500,000 deaths in Iraq as direct or indirect result of the war. March 2003 to June, 2011
WikiLeaks Classified Iraq War Logs[4][9][10][11] 109,032 deaths including 66,081 civilian deaths.[12][13] January 2004 to December 2009
Sat 31 May, 2014 10:06 pm
Obama Broke U.S. Law, Did Not Inform Congress Before Transferring Prisoners Off Gitmo In Bergdahl Trade

What's new? He is an ace aiding our enemy.
0 Replies
Sat 31 May, 2014 10:23 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Perhaps a zero cent stamp is way too much for Bush

After all even the Fmr Bush Counter-Terror Czar: Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld All Committed War Crimes

Sat 31 May, 2014 10:27 pm

After all even the Fmr Bush Counter-Terror Czar: Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld All Committed War Crimes

None of what they did bordered on treason. And you liberal suck puppies had your chance to punish them. You failed ,and will continue to fail.
0 Replies

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