Thu 22 May, 2014 02:05 pm
bobsal u1553115
Thu 22 May, 2014 02:06 pm
WHY did your Teapublican Congress kill and cut funding to the VA?
cicerone imposter
Thu 22 May, 2014 02:07 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
cj is too stupid to know the answer.
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bobsal u1553115
Thu 22 May, 2014 02:07 pm
Have you ever been in a VA hospital or clinic? Didn't think so.
Thu 22 May, 2014 02:17 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
Have you ever been in a VA hospital or clinic? Didn't think so.

Yes I have. Heinz Veteran watching someone die. You are a born asshole aren't you?
Frank Apisa
Thu 22 May, 2014 02:21 pm
I was treated for cancer (non-Hodgkin's lymphoma) at the VA Hospital in East Orange NJ. That was 16 17 years ago. Chemo and radiation. I was out of work at the time...and had no medical coverage except the it was a godsend for me. I'd be dead now if I were not a vet...and the VA did not exist.

I am still kicking (and knocking on my wooden head) so I feel a great deal of gratitude to the VA.

I still think, however, that the notion of closing the entire VA hospital system...and providing complete medical coverage for each veteran through Medicare is a decent idea to investigate.
Thu 22 May, 2014 02:23 pm
#1 – Did you hear about the new Obama Diet? You let Putin eat your lunch every day.
#2 - How does Obama win the war on terror? He renames it! Its now the overseas contingency operation.
#3 - Did you hear about the reporter who asked Obama a hard question? Neither have we!
#4 - How many democrats does it take to change a light bulb? 5! Al Gore to insure it’s a CFL, an EPA agent in case the bulb breaks and a mercury cleanup is necessary, a person to bail out the home owner, an ACORN member to ensure that the right person changed the bulb, and a member of the media to celebrate the change.
#5 - Why can’t Obama dance? Cause he has two leftist feet.
#6 - Some Republicans are saying that due to his current scandals, President Obama should be impeached. In response, Obama laughed and said, ‘Two words fellas: President Biden.’
#7 - What do Obama and financial scam artists have in common? They both say “yes we can,” they both give hope, they both take your money, and they both will leave you penniless in the end.
#8 - Speaker Nancy Pelosi is in Shanghai to debate climate change with Chinese government officials. I think she’ll do fine. These negotiations always come down to whoever blinks first.
#9 - How many Democrats does it take to change a light bulb? It’s irrelevant; they still don’t know they’re in the dark!
#10 - They say that Christopher Columbus was the first Democrat. When he left to discover America, he didn’t know where he was going. When he got there he didn’t know where he was. And it was all done on a government grant.
#11 - What do you get when you offer a liberal a penny for his thoughts? Change.
#12 - What’s the difference between Bill Clinton and government bonds? Government bonds will mature someday.
#13 - What do you call a basement full of liberals? A whine cellar.
#14 - Nancy Pelosi has now been elected the new House minority leader. She was smiling from ear to ear, which is pretty impressive considering how far her ears have been pulled back.
#15 - What kind of doctor do you need to fix Obamacare? A URLologist.
#16 - What’s Obama’s new slogan in these tough times? Spare Change You Can Believe In!
#17 - Today is #CyberMonday, the day you can buy anything
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bobsal u1553115
Thu 22 May, 2014 02:54 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Temple VA took a bladder tumor from me Thansgiving a year ago. I mostly use Austin VA outpatient clinic. I've always felt well treate and cared for. Plus they took Fox off most of the TVs!
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Thu 22 May, 2014 02:58 pm
Maybe they died of embarrassment over being associated with you, fuckwad.

Like I said, you have no experience with the VA. Except you finished someone else's meal and watched their TV. Did you get to finish the program? What was it, Hannitty or O'reilly?
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Thu 22 May, 2014 03:19 pm
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Thu 22 May, 2014 03:49 pm
Billionaire Tom Steyer plans to make 2014 and beyond tough for climate change-denying Republicans
bobsal u1553115
Thu 22 May, 2014 03:58 pm
You'd think if the US Military gets it,he militias would, too.

U.S. Military Plans Policy Shift in Response to Anticipated National Security Threats Caused by Climate Change
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Friday, May 16, 2014
Naval Station Norfolk (photo: U.S. Navy)

Some conservatives continue to insist climate change is an exaggeration, if not a hoax. But the institution so beloved by the right-wing—the U.S. military—believes climate change is real and represents a serious threat to long-term national security.

For the second time in two months, a major report has warned that climate change is affecting the world and could disrupt important military operations in the U.S.

First, there was the March release of the Department of Defense’s Quadrennial Defense Review, which lays out American military strategy. In it, experts established a connection between the effects of global warming and terrorism.

“These effects are threat multipliers that will aggravate stressors abroad, such as poverty, environmental degradation, political instability and social tensions — conditions that can enable terrorist activity and other forms of violence,” the review said.

Then this week, the CNA Corporation Military Advisory Board, a respected government-funded military research organization, released its report (pdf) saying U.S. armed forces must prepare for climate-change-related troubles here and abroad.

It mentioned droughts in the Middle East and Africa and rising sea levels in India, Bangladesh and Vietnam as having the potential to cause major civil disruptions and instability, for which the American military must prepare in the event they affect U.S. foreign policy goals.

There are also worries about extreme weather, which can produce catastrophic floods requiring help from American troops, and even flooding in the U.S. that could jeopardize military ports.

General Charles Wald, who is retired from the U.S. Air Force and was a contributor to the report, warned that the largest Navy base—Norfolk, Virginia—could experience flooding from rising sea levels.

“Norfolk is so big, it’s so important to the Navy, it’s important to Virginia for jobs, and it would go,” Wald told The New York Times.

“In the past, the thinking was that climate change multiplied the significance of a situation,” he added. “Now we’re saying it’s going to be a direct cause of instability.”

John Conger, deputy under secretary of defense for installations and environment, confirmed that the Pentagon stands behind the report’s conclusions.

“The department certainly agrees that climate change is having an impact on national security, whether by increasing global instability, by opening the Arctic or by increasing sea level and storm surge near our coastal installations,” Conger said in a statement. “We are actively integrating climate considerations across the full spectrum of our activities to ensure a ready and resilient force.”

Despite these remarks from former military leaders and current defense officials and the preponderance of scientific evidence, some Republicans reject warnings about global warming.

Senator James Inhofe of Oklahoma, the ranking Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee, reduced the CNA Corporation Military Advisory Board’s report to nothing more than ex-military men seeking attention.

“There is no one in more pursuit of publicity than a retired military officer,” Inhofe said of the report’s authors. “I look back wistfully at the days of the Cold War. Now you have people who are mentally imbalanced, with the ability to deploy a nuclear weapon. For anyone to say that any type of global warming is anywhere close to the threat that we have with crazy people running around with nuclear weapons, it shows how desperate they are to get the public to buy this.”

-Noel Brinkerhoff

To Learn More:

Climate Change Deemed Growing Security Threat by Military Researchers (by Coral Davenport, New York Times)

National Security and the Accelerating Risks of Climate Change (CNA Military Advisory Board) (pdf)

U.S. Military Prepares for Global Unrest Amid Climate Fears (by Marlene Cimons, Climate Nexus)

The US Military Leads on Climate Change (by Lt. Gen John Castellaw, USMC [Ret] and Rear Adm. David Titley, USN [Ret])

Defense Contractors View Climate Change as “Business Opportunities” (by Noel Brinkerhoff, AllGov)
bradfregger 5 days ago
First, there's not an informed conservative in the world that doesn't believe in climate change. Only ignorant individuals don't know that climate change is a natural process. So ... Please quit suggesting otherwise. In fact, only ignorant progressives see climate change as something new, something to be feared. Second, the military MUST have scenarios for any eventuality, especially when the commander and chief is a climate change fanatic. Bottom line, this entire post makes silly arguments, much like creationists pointing at the Bible to prove their core beliefs.
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bobsal u1553115
Thu 22 May, 2014 04:23 pm
On another Teaboner:

Family of Chris Stevens - Letter to Benghazi Show
tweeted by, Eric Boehlert ‏@EricBoehlert 18h
Read letter from Chris Stevens' family. Will GOP have decency to invite them to speak before Benghazi committee?

____ Chris Stevens died in the service of his country. He died doing what he loved most--working to build bridges of understanding and mutual respect between the people of the United States and the people of the Middle East and North Africa. He was loved by many more Libyans than those who hated him for being an American. A few dozen fanatics penetrated his compound. More than 30,000 people in Benghazi demonstrated in protest over his death.

Chris was successful because he embodied the traits that have always
endeared America to the world -- a commitment to democratic principles, and respect for others, regardless of race, religion or culture. Chris regarded and liked each person he met as an individual. He respected their views, whether or not he agreed. One of his friends told us a tale that reflects his success on a small scale. Picnicking in the Libyan countryside, they met a local family. Chris immediately greeted them and suggested that they be photographed together. The young son of the patriarch of the family, suspicious and negative toward Americans, refused to participate. So Chris continued chatting with the others. When it was time to leave, the initially suspicious son presented Chris with a bouquet of flowers.

"This is because you were so respectful to my father," he said.

Chris was not willing to be the kind of diplomat who would strut around in fortified compounds. He amazed and impressed the Libyans by walking the streets with the lightest of escorts, sitting in sidewalk cafes, chatting with passers-by. There was a risk to being accessible. He knew it, and he accepted it. What Chris never would have accepted was the idea that his death would be used for political purposes. There were security shortcomings, no doubt. Both internal and outside investigations have identified and publicly disclosed them. Steps are being taken to prevent their reoccurrence.

Chris would not have wanted to be remembered as a victim. Chris knew, and accepted, that he was working under dangerous circumstances. He did so--just as so many of our diplomatic and development professionals do every day--because he believed the work was vitally important. He would have wanted the critical work he was doing to build bridges of mutual understanding and respect--the kind of work that made him literally thousands of friends and admirers across the broader Middle East--to continue.

So rather than engage in endless recriminations, his family is working to continue building the bridges he so successfully began. One year ago this week, in response to a tremendous outpouring of support from around the world, we launched the J. Christopher Stevens Fund. The mission of the Fund is to support activities that build bridges between the people of the United States and those of the broader Middle East. This was the mission to which Chris dedicated his life. We are grateful for each contribution received–from friends and family, from the Government of Libya, and from people near and far moved by Chris and his story.

In the coming weeks and months, we will launch a number of innovative programs and initiatives. The focus of our activity is on young people, both here in America and across the Middle East and North Africa. Chris served in the Peace Corps in Morocco, and his death was felt acutely by the Peace Corps family. Last year, in response to numerous queries from returned Peace Corps Volunteers during Peace Corps Week, we encouraged returned volunteers to fan out across America and speak with youth about their experiences abroad.

We are now working with the Peace Corps to expand their reach into schools and communities across this country. The Center for Middle Eastern Studies at the University of California, Berkeley, where Chris studied as an undergraduate, announced on Sept 11 the Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens Memorial Fund for Middle Eastern Studies, endowed by the J. Christopher Stevens Fund. Our purpose is to encourage and inspire students in Middle Eastern and North African scholarship. In Piedmont, CA, where Chris spent his teen years, the Piedmont Unified School District Board of Education has voted to name the Piedmont High library the Ambassador Christopher Stevens Memorial Library.

Chris was inspired by the Piedmont High School motto “Achieve the Honorable”. Later this fall, together with a coalition of public and private partners, we will launch the J. Christopher Stevens Virtual Exchange Initiative. This initiative will embrace the power of technology to fuel the largest ever increase in people-to-people exchanges between the United States and the broader Middle East, vastly increasing the number and diversity of youth who have a meaningful cross-cultural experience as part of their formative education, and reaching over one million youth by 2020. Later this year, the University of California’s Hastings College of the Law, from which Chris graduated in 1989, will host the Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens Symposium. The event will emphasize law and public policy as used in practice to advance global understanding and peace, principles to which Chris was committed.

There have been more awards bestowed, and honors given, in Chris’ memory than we could have ever thought possible. But as we’ve said before, we have received letters from thousands of people all over the world who were touched by Chris’ example. His openness touched a chord in their hearts. Chris would have wanted to be remembered for that.

Thank you.
The Family of Chris Stevens
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bobsal u1553115
Thu 22 May, 2014 04:26 pm
Thu 22 May, 2014 08:40 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
Have you looked at the bureaucratic cluster **** that bill is? No wonder why states want nothing to do with it.
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Fri 23 May, 2014 09:20 am
Fri 23 May, 2014 09:50 am
The blatant hypocrisy of many in the Republican Party is unquestionably repugnant. Eric Cantor should do the House a favor and just shut the hell up, especially since he's most obviously a tool of the Tea Party.
Fri 23 May, 2014 10:10 am
since he's most obviously a tool of the Tea Party.

The Tea Party wants Cantor gone. You people can't keep track of your own lies.

Professor Hopes To Be Tea Party's David To Eric Cantor's Goliath
Fri 23 May, 2014 10:22 am
Kerry: Obama 'Will Go Down in History' for 'Highest Standards of Transparency and Accountability'
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Fri 23 May, 2014 10:23 am
The Tea party wants Cantor gone so they can replace him with someone worse.

Degenerates, all of them...

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