Wed 9 Apr, 2014 07:52 pm

Wisconsin now listed with Utah and their polygamous sub culture of disrespect for women...

Send Walker to the unemployment line in the next gubernatorial election Wisconsin...

I would not even hire Scott Walker to help in a soup kitchen, even homeless people deserve better than that.

Wed 9 Apr, 2014 08:00 pm
Wisconsin now listed with Utah and their polygamous sub culture of disrespect for women...

Now explain why Gov walker enjoys a job approval ratting which is higher than Obama's.
Wed 9 Apr, 2014 08:21 pm

Glenn Beck is angry because 8 million Americans can now see a doctor.

A sociopath dictator would not care if ALL of their people had healthcare, right Glenn?

GOP = traitors.
0 Replies
Wed 9 Apr, 2014 08:29 pm
When the nation can not afford it...when it makes worse debt levels which are killing us.

Hawkeye, you are smarter than that! ..., ... Aren't you?

You allow your governments to spend gazillions of dollars on the communist USA military. How many ******* one star generals do you need to defeat El Salvador or Tuvalu?

You do know, don't you, just how much money is given to support not only a bunch of sit on their asses, paper shuffling monkeys at the pentagon, but also hundreds of companies producing arms that will never be needed, unless Nicaragua invades the USA again.

There are so many idiots in the USA screaming about government waste and the one that is a colossal waste, the USA military gets a pass.

Y'all are really sick! Sick sick sick! And did I mention sick?
0 Replies
Wed 9 Apr, 2014 08:39 pm
hawkeye10 wrote:

Wisconsin now listed with Utah and their polygamous sub culture of disrespect for women...

Now explain why Gov walker enjoys a job approval ratting which is higher than Obama's.

Well considering the Koch brother's smears and disinformation in millions of dollars of ads that is your reason...


Another month with little movement
Updated: Tuesday, April 1st, 2014 | By James B. Nelson

The clock is starting to run out on Gov. Scott Walker's promise to create 250,000 private-sector jobs before the end of his four-year term.

That's one conclusion that can be drawn from the state Department of Workforce Development's monthly jobs report issued March 27, 2014.

The report contained two small setbacks for Walker. The jobs count for January was revised from a preliminary estimate of no net gain to a loss of 200 jobs. And the preliminary estimate for February was that the state lost 1,600 jobs.

The monthly jobs reports are based on surveys of only 3 percent of all state employers. They are preliminary estimates and subject to revision over time.

The latest report came two weeks after the state released a report revising monthly jobs estimates for 2013. That report shaved 4,200 jobs off the total for that year.

Here's the bottom line: In a little more than three years with Walker as governor, the state has created an estimated 101,572 private sector jobs. That leaves 148,428 jobs -- or an average of 14,842 a month for the rest of the year -- for Walker to achieve his promise. Since we've been tracking this promise, there haven't been anywhere near that many jobs added in consecutive months.

You can see an updated version of our monthly graphic tracking Walker's progress on the jobs promise here.

For now, this promise remains In the Works, but clearly the clock is ticking.


Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development monthly jobs report, March 27, 2014

Readjustments chip away at 2013 gains
Updated: Monday, March 17th, 2014 | By James B. Nelson

The results of the state's latest monthly jobs report moved in the wrong direction when it comes to Gov. Scott Walker's promise to create 250,000 private sector jobs.

As usual at this time of year, the report contained considerable revisions -- called "benchmarking" -- to the monthly employment reports from 2013.

The monthly reports are estimates based on surveys of about 3 percent of state employers. Over time, more reliable data becomes available. Last year, benchmarking saw 14,100 jobs added to the monthly tallies for 2012.

The revisions for 2013 smoothed out the peaks and a couple of valleys in several months.

In January, an increase of 12,400 jobs was erased. The January number is now a negative 1,200 jobs. Similarly, a loss of 20,800 jobs in April -- the largest single monthly jobs decline in years -- was pared back to a loss of only 5,600.

In the end, the changes put the state's 2013 private sector job creation at an estimated 39,700, down from the initial estimate of 43,900. That's 4,200 fewer than were listed before.

Meanwhile, the report showed no net change -- up or down -- for January of 2014.

More accurate numbers come from a quarterly survey that involves 96 percent of state businesses. The final figure for 2013 will be available in late spring.

With three years in the books, the state has added an estimated 103,372 private sector jobs.

That's less than half of the way to Walker's promise that the state would add 250,000 jobs by the end of his four year term. To reach that, the state would have to add more than 13,000 jobs in each of the remaining months of this year.

This promise remains In the Works.


Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development monthly jobs report, March 13, 2014

Since the "trough" of the recession in late 2009/early 2010 in seasonally adjusted numbers:
6.7 million MORE jobs in total
7.3 million MORE private sector jobs
6.3 million MORE people working

Since Bush left office & Obama took office (January 2009) in seasonally adjusted numbers:
2.4 million MORE jobs in total
3.1 million MORE private sector jobs
2.1 million MORE people working

Is Wisconsin better off today than they were before Walker??

In the next few months watch Wisconsin's job number take a nose dive into the negative...

And I might add, Wisconsin't job gains have been due to White House policies not anything Walker has done.

Eventually Wisconsinites will see the folly of their ways, just in time for election 2014 and send Walker on a walk...
0 Replies
Wed 9 Apr, 2014 08:52 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
You mother says you still wet the bed and shes sick and tired of it.
bobsal u1553115
Wed 9 Apr, 2014 08:57 pm
That's a pretty good sized club here in Texas. Abbott just might lose this one to Wendy, I'm voting for her.
0 Replies
Wed 9 Apr, 2014 09:03 pm
It's conservative bullshit.

It's conservative bullshit.

Funny I don't remember Bush terrorizing citizens. Or stealing cattle. This administration has spent more time tearing down our rights than anything else. I don't care if it started with Bush. And of course only half the truth comes out of you .

Free speech zones have been used at a variety of political gatherings. The stated purpose of free speech zones is to protect the safety of those attending the political gathering, or for the safety of the protesters themselves

There are no politicians gathering in the desert that need to be protected. Therefore this law should not apply. There are armed federal officers. Do they need protection?

Try the whole truth Shill. The part you quoted comes after the laws purpose is stated in your link. Very dishonest of you.

Wed 9 Apr, 2014 09:04 pm
Wed 9 Apr, 2014 09:10 pm
Thanks to democratic policies.

Want to give people incentive to work? Stop treating them like beasts of burden and PAY THEM A LIVING WAGE!!!

Incentive to work does not come by taking away the safety net and then dooming people to a life of poverty...

Just like Obamacare the repugs vote against it 50 times and do not provide an alternative to rip-off insurance scams.

Deny people affordable healthcare and a living wage and see how that screws up our economy, and the repugs laugh heartily like they did when the shut down our government costing us billions...
bobsal u1553115
Wed 9 Apr, 2014 09:11 pm
I didn't know that Governor of Wisconsin was a national office? So what does the nation think of ol' Scott?

Washington Secrets
Poll: Mary Burke ties Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker's approval rating
By Paul Bedard | MARCH 12, 2014 AT 12:38 PM
Topics: Washington Secrets Wisconsin 2014 Elections Campaigns Scott Walker

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and Democratic challenger Mary Burke are deadlocked 45 percent-45...

Her first ad against Gov. Scott Walker was dubbed “pants on fire” by PolitiFact Wisconsin, but Democratic challenger Mary Burke has caught up to the Republican in a new statewide poll.

Rasmussen Reports found that each holds 45 percent support, though Walker has an edge in his favorable rating, 49 percent to Burke's 40 percent.

He also wins on economic questions, though more Wisconsin voters, by a 45 percent to 40 percent margin, trust Burke more on social issues.
Sign Up for the Paul Bedard newsletter!

Rasmussen found that voters generally trust Walker on taxes and government spending.

Walker won men, older and married voters, and those who earn $50,000 or more. Burke won women, younger voters and minorities.

The poll of 500 likely voters conducted March 10-11 suggests that Burke's ad, in which she wrongly said that unemployment has gone up under Walker, has had some impact. A previous Milwaukee Journal Sentinel poll from January had Walker up over Burke, 47 percent to 41 percent.

Helping Burke, a Madison, Wis., school board member and daughter of Trek Bicycle founder Richard Burke, could be President Obama's better-than-average approval rating in Wisconsin at 53 percent. Some 50 percent approved of Walker in the Rasmussen poll.

Walker was elected in 2010 with 52 percent of the vote and won a recall election in 2012 with 53 percent support.

Walker has been an embattled governor ever since he took on state employee unions and won. That, coupled with his recall victory and conservative approach in the liberal state, has fueled speculation that he would run for the GOP presidential nomination in 2016.
Paul Bedard, the Washington Examiner's "Washington Secrets" columnist, can be contacted at [email protected].

A poll taken "a few months ago" found "70 percent approval or higher" for the Act 10 collective bargaining law.

Scott Walker on Tuesday, April 1st, 2014 in an interview

Scott Walker says recent Wisconsin poll shows 70% approval for collective bargaining law that led to massive protests, recall election

Singing "solidarity forever," opponents of Gov. Scott Walker's Act 10 collective bargaining law protested in the State Capitol in Madison in June 2011.

During a radio interview on April 1, 2014, Gov. Scott Walker claimed that a poll taken "a few months ago" showed "70 percent approval or higher" for Act 10, the collective bargaining reform law that spurred massive protests in Madison and an attempt to remove him from office.

Statewide polls typically get widespread news coverage. But we don’t recall any recent headlines about 70 percent support for Act 10, which sharply curbs collective bargaining for most public employees and makes the employees pay more for their pensions and health care.

Walker's claim is important because he is counting on support for the law in his effort to win re-election in November 2014.

So let's see what the governor is talking about.

Act 10

Walker largely credits Act 10 for shoring up state and local government finances.

The measure has been vilified for repealing most collective bargaining for public employee unions, both at the state and local government levels.

But even Walker’s Democratic challenger, Mary Burke, who thinks Act 10 went too far on that score, is among critics who say the law nevertheless took a necessary step in requiring most public employees to pay more for their benefits.

Walker signed the bill two months after taking office, in March 2011. Because of reaction to it, he faced a recall election in June 2012.

The timing is important in assessing Walker's claim.

It has been more than three years since Act 10 became law and nearly two years since it was the focus of the recall.

In other words, it hasn't been a hot topic for pollsters for some time. And public opinion can change.

The claim

Walker made his statement about support for Act 10 to Jay Weber, a conservative radio talk show host at WISN-AM (1130) in Milwaukee. Weber began the interview by praising a number of Walker’s tax cuts, including a trim to property taxes. Then he alluded to Walker’s race with Burke.

Weber cited results from a statewide Marquette Law School poll released on March 26, 2014, six days before the interview, and asked Walker about his approval rating.

The poll had shown 47 percent of registered Wisconsin voters approved of how Walker handled his job. That was down from 51 percent in the previous Marquette survey, done two months earlier.

The new poll, Weber said, "showed that there was strong approval for the tax cut -- who wouldn’t want their taxes cut? -- but it didn’t translate into a bump in your approval ratings. So, what does that tell you -- you need to sell this before fall?"

"Yeah, I think so. I think a combination," Walker said before citing another poll result, albeit with a number of qualifiers.

"If you look at that, the previous poll that was taken a few months ago also showed, I think, there was something like -- if I remember right -- something like 70 percent approval or higher for our reforms, the reforms that are commonly called Act 10, the budgetary reforms which allowed not just the state but local governments to balance their budgets as well."

Cleaned up, here’s the claim we’re checking:

A poll taken "a few months ago" -- so, roughly early 2014, or perhaps late 2013 -- found "70 percent approval or higher" for Act 10.

The evidence

Neither the March 2014 Marquette Law School poll cited by Weber, nor the January 2014 version Walker seemed to allude to, included any questions about Act 10. So we wondered which survey Walker was relying on to back his claim.

Walker press secretary Laurel Patrick told us the governor was referring to a question in the Marquette poll from late May 2012.

That's nearly two years ago.

That question asked: "As you know, last year a number of changes were made concerning state employees, state spending and policies. For each, please tell me if this is something you favor or oppose -- requiring public employees to contribute to their own pensions and pay more for health insurance?"

The results were: Favor – 75%; Oppose – 22%; Don't Know – 3%.

On other questions, however, support was not that high: 55% said they favored limiting collective-bargaining for most public employees and 50% said they preferred the change to collective bargaining rather than going back to the old law.

(Another school that does regular statewide polling in Wisconsin is St. Norbert College near Green Bay. Like Marquette, it has not polled on Act 10 since May 2012. The results at that time: 59 percent favored allowing public employees to collectively bargain for wages and 60 percent favored bargaining for health and retirement benefits.)

In any case, the Marquette results Walker cites are from nearly two years ago, not a few months ago. And no publicly released poll has asked Wisconsinites about Act 10 since then, according to Marquette Law School poll director Charles Franklin and St. Norbert College political science professor Wendy Scattergood, an associate with the St. Norbert College Survey Center Wisconsin.

As for what the level of support for Act 10 there may have been a few months ago, Franklin told us the results could be the same, but: "We simply don't know."

Our rating

Walker said a poll "taken a few months ago" found "70 percent approval or higher" for his Act 10 collective bargaining law.

No known poll has asked Wisconsinites about Act 10 in the months leading up to Walker's statement on April 1, 2014, and his staff did not cite one. One poll question from May 2012 found 75 percent support for one part of the law, but what the level of support for Act 10’s various provisions might have been a few months ago is strictly speculation.

We rate Walker's statement False.
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Wed 9 Apr, 2014 09:16 pm
Ya know, pinhead, you think I'm a douchebag. EVERYBODY knows you are douche bag.

You mothes says you tried her nylons on once and when she caught you your expression just cracked her up. I have a photo. Want to see it?
0 Replies
Wed 9 Apr, 2014 09:22 pm
A couple of stories were ignored by NBC World News tonight. One is the Ways and Means committee writing a letter to Holder to prosecute Lois Lerner. And this one.
Brandeis University Accused of Double Standard After Pulling Honor of Islamism Critic Hirsi Ali

– After facing growing pressure from faculty members, students, and an outside Muslim advocacy group, Brandeis University said Tuesday that it is rescinding its decision to award an honorary degree to Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a women’s rights activist and critic of Islam, over her “past statements that are inconsistent with Brandeis University’s core values.”

But in light of the school’s past decisions to honor American playwright and screenwriter Tony Kushner and South African Bishop Desmond Tutu, who have both made anti-Israel or anti-Semitic remarks, some are now accusing Brandeis of applying a double standard over the move to rescind Hirsi Ali’s honor for her remarks on Islam.

Liberal cowards refuse to recognize the real war on women. Islam has waged one for 1400 years. But does a liberal university or liberals and feminists have the balls to admit it? CAIR calls her a hater.
Born in Somalia to a strict Muslim family and raised in Kenya, Hirsi Ali survived civil war, female genital mutilation, abuse, and an arranged marriage. She fled to the Netherlands in the early 1990s.

A battle she lost. Her father decided to turn her into a piece of meat devoid of a clitoris and sexual pleasure. That is war. And hate is how CAIR explains her righteous criticism. Nonsense.

So why do liberals deny the facts about Islam she knows first hand? If there is anything both parties could unite on it would be this. How much Arab money flows into that university? I know many Arab dollars flow into Democratic campaigns. Look at Dick Durbin. I guess he hates women too.
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Wed 9 Apr, 2014 09:24 pm
You don't think all those innocent woman and children, 500 0r so smothered and burned sleeping in a bunker Bagdad while we were "degrading infrastructure" weren't terrorized? You think the women and children run down and over in the streets by "contractors" weren't terrorized? You are truly despicable and a total disappointment to your mother. But you knew that, didn't you?
Wed 9 Apr, 2014 09:29 pm
Where is the focus on jobs?

Gov. Walker could call lawmakers back into session on Voter ID

Do you what to hear the truth or is it too ugly to even consider?

Yes, racist Walker is trying to see how many hard working Wisconsin black people working without unions and fair pay, he can ALSO disenfranchise from voting...
0 Replies
Wed 9 Apr, 2014 09:29 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
You don't think all those innocent woman and children, 500 0r so smothered and burned sleeping in a bunker Bagdad while we were "degrading infrastructure" weren't terrorized?

War is Hell, Islam is an ongoing curse. It figures you would defend killers and sexists with every hypocritical bone in your body.
Wed 9 Apr, 2014 09:35 pm
coldjoint wrote:

You don't think all those innocent woman and children, 500 0r so smothered and burned sleeping in a bunker Bagdad while we were "degrading infrastructure" weren't terrorized?

War is Hell, Islam is an ongoing curse. It figures you would defend killers and sexists with every hypocritical bone in your body.

I am so sick of your rant on Isalm, Christians are no better, ESPECIALLY your greedy hypocritical brand of Christians you share a party with.

You deny the message of Christ and charity; then why can't Islamic radicals (such as the tea party) follow suite and deny Mohammed for political gains?

YOU and your scumbag GOP are the ones setting this ugly precedent.

I don't expect you to concede because the light of the gospel is apparently not found in your pathetic soul...

How many Christian children would go to bed without healthcare if your hypocritical party had its way?

Wed 9 Apr, 2014 09:36 pm
Again , this is manufactured crisis. From the NYT.
The proposals have little chance of passing. But Democrats concede that making new laws is not really the point. Rather, they are trying to force Republicans to vote against them.

But Democrats concede that making new laws is not really ... of searching for any grand bargain with Republicans ... The New York Times Company.

Allowing no amendments by Republicans means they can blame them by not compromising on anything so the bill is voted down. It is simply more deceit on the part of the Democrats.
Wed 9 Apr, 2014 09:38 pm
I am so sick of your rant on Isalm, Christians are no better,

Maybe you have AIDS. And how many gays have Christians hung lately?
Wed 9 Apr, 2014 09:43 pm
coldjoint wrote:

Again , this is manufactured crisis. From the NYT.
The proposals have little chance of passing. But Democrats concede that making new laws is not really the point. Rather, they are trying to force Republicans to vote against them.

But Democrats concede that making new laws is not really ... of searching for any grand bargain with Republicans ... The New York Times Company.

Allowing no amendments by Republicans means they can blame them by not compromising on anything so the bill is voted down. It is simply more deceit on the part of the Democrats.

Exactly! So we have the republicans on their dirty voting record documented for all to see.

Come debate time these records will be scrutinized and no doubt will be left in the voter's minds as to which party has sold-out to greedy corporate monopolies.

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