I don't mean to come off harsh and unfeeling. I am human too and subject to my own short fuse sometimes.
MM wrote:
Tests conducted by the US, England, France, and several other countries.
Do you blame all of those tests on the US?
Not exactly, I don't generally blame the U.S. for the actions of others but the actions of others do not excuse our own. And, were did these other countries get the technology to build nukes? Answer: The U.S.
Even Russia probably stole their nuke technology from the U.S.
Considering the U.S. exploded 500 more bombs than the next highest country, why are we even having this discussion about what other countries have done?
The U.S. is the number two polluter in the world and the only reason why we are not number 1 is because we have sent our dirtiest factory work over to India and China. So yes China is a bigger polluters while making products for the U.S. consumer.
China is the number one polluter due to U.S. factories on their soil.
MM Wrote.
If they have been doing it legally, you have nothing to complain about.
BTW, the US has only been in existance for a little over 2 centuries, so you are guilty of exageration with that statement.
So I repeat my original statement...provide a reputable, non biased source for your statement.
Nothing harmful should be dumped legally or illegally into the sea. When toxic chemicals are discharged into the sea who has the authority to okay such an act of destruction?
American Indians have lived on this land for thousands of years and in 200 years we have brought the oceans to the brink of extinction.
Where exactly am I exaggerating? A century is 100 years so when I said "for centuries" that can mean two or more...
While Columbus landed on the shores of the New World it was around the 1500s, that is actually 5 centuries. Columbus wasted no time in turning the islands in the Caribbean into slave colonies.
MM Wrote:
And you know for an ironclad fact that all that trash comes from the US?
Comment: I know for a fact that MOST of the trash came from the U.S., a lions share.
How do I know this? Simple logic? American bought these products flagrantly discarded them and they are floating on the sea now.
Gross domestic products, import, exports and consumer statistics reveal the entire picture.
So if one piece of trash comes from another country then we are off the hook huh for the millions of trash items we dumped there?? NO.
I think all that trash in the pacific came from Nicaragua. After all, the minimum wage in Nicaragua they earn 62 cents an hour. With all that mass amount of cash they keep buying all these unnecessary items like cell phones electronics and barbie dolls and when they are done with these they just toss them into the sea.
With all that money circulating and consumerism in Nicaragua doesn't it make sense they are the ones polluting the pacific? (cynical)
Americans represent 5% of the world’s population, but generate 30% of the world’s garbage.
For all the world to live as an American we would need two more Earths; three more if the population should double and twelve Earth’s altogether if worldwide standards of living doubled in the next forty years.
To put it another way
Americans throw away enough garbage everyday to fill 63,000 garbage trucks, which if lined up end to end for an entire year would stretch half way to the moon