Sat 1 Mar, 2014 01:23 am
Humorous how you get off to talking to yourself. As much as you do. Online.
0 Replies
Sat 1 Mar, 2014 01:25 am
I think you secretly have a thing for Obama's sexy voice.
Sat 1 Mar, 2014 01:43 am
I just noticed who started this thread.
0 Replies
Sat 1 Mar, 2014 05:47 am
America lying to the world.


On February 27, Oglala Sioux activists reclaimed Wounded Knee. They wanted their 1868 treaty rights honored.

It stated that "(t)he government of the United States desires peace, and its honor is hereby pledged to keep it." It also reaffirmed all Indian rights granted under the 1851 Treaty.

From 1778 - 1871, Washington negotiated 372 treaties. All were systematically spurned.

At Wounded Knee, AIM represented over 75 Indian Nations. For nearly two and a half months, they held on. They were free. It wasn't easy. Washington cut off electricity. Food and other essential deliveries were blocked.
0 Replies
Sat 1 Mar, 2014 05:50 am
Cj: I have a college degree.

What was your major, emoticons or public debate?
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Sat 1 Mar, 2014 07:12 am
coldjoint wrote:

They are fed an unrelenting diet of hate and distrust.

The hate comes from the left Frank. Biden just called Republicans haters. You are just full of it.

Actually, the "hate" comes from both sides...I will acknowledge that.

But you people on the far right are fed an unrelenting diet of hate and distrust of government.

You just are. That's why I mentioned it.

Harry Reid just called a sizable group of Americans liars.

That is Harry Reid's right, CJ...just as it is your right to fill this forum with the rage-filled hate and loathing you spew regularly. So what is your point?

You are the haters.

I am not part of any "you" that you might be referring to there. And I love ya, man...every bone in your head.


Haters of any opinions different than yours. And willing to say or do anything to stop their message. you have this one wrong.

First of all...I am not a hater of people with opinions different from mine. I welcome opinions different from mine. And the last thing in the world I have in mind is to stop you from delivering your message.

You do more to help issues I favor...and more to damage issues I despise...than almost anyone I know here in A2K. Why would I ever want to silence you? I am, in fact, disappointed when I see you haven't posted. Wink
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Sat 1 Mar, 2014 07:14 am
coldjoint wrote:

Those questions also? The IRS could do their own research. It is picking them apart and liberal orgs. did not get those questions. Or Obamas brother.

Actually, CJ...liberal organizations got the same questions. The media people pulling your strings just don't want you to consider that.
Sat 1 Mar, 2014 09:25 am
I will probably regret this, but I would like to publicly thank Arizona's Republican Governor Jan Brewer for vetoing the legislation to allow people to deny service to other people. Thank you!

I am not all about partisan politics, I am about progress. When someone on either side of the political spectrum does something commendable they deserve the praise and respect that comes with doing the right thing.

Contrarily, we had the Catholic Church here in Portland Maine pull out of one of the local soup kitchens because the soup kitchen/shelter supported marriage equality.

In other words, because of the Catholic Church's (tax exempt) religious views on marriage equality, they did not care anymore if someone was clothed, fed or had shelter for the night.

I do love Arizona, I used to live in Tuscon and it is one of the most beautiful cities in all of America that, coincidentally, has a very large LGBT community also. Smile

Arizona, please try and weed out "similar" legislation in the future and save everyone the headache...

Again, thank you Jan Brewer.
Sat 1 Mar, 2014 09:31 am
The Pink Prevaricator wrote:

Those questions also? The IRS could do their own research. It is picking them apart and liberal orgs. did not get those questions. Or Obamas brother.

The group is the one asking for special tax status. As part of that process the group has to show it is eligible. It is not the IRS job to do the research since they didn't initiate the request.
0 Replies
Sat 1 Mar, 2014 09:36 am
RexRed wrote:
Contrarily, we had the Catholic Church here in Portland Maine pull out of one of the local soup kitchens because the soup kitchen/shelter supported marriage equality.

In other words, because of the Catholic Church's (tax exempt) religious views on marriage equality, they did not care anymore if someone was clothed, fed or had shelter for the night.

You can't have it both ways. The World Bank has pulled funding for Uganda's health programme because of anti-gay laws. In other words, because of the World Bank's secular views on gay rights, they do not care how many innocent Ugandans die from preventable illnesses.

0 Replies
Sat 1 Mar, 2014 10:01 am
A suggestion to republican legislators, let homophobe wedding planners find another line of work if they can't serve the public fairly and without animosity.

I might suggest also to LGBT people, try and find wedding planners who enjoy helping LGBT people plan their wedding rather than ones who are only doing it because they feel "obligated by law"...

In other words if a wedding planner prefers err, "traditional weddings" they might as well say they are homophobic religious racists and chances are they will probably not do a good job of your wedding anyway.

When someone is "religiously homophobic" it is not just that but other issues like, which religion they care to cater too and as I say if they cannot cater to a wide array of people, cultures and lifestyles, they might as well find another line of work.

It is not just that way in wedding planning but all enterprises in the service industry. They do not discriminate by race, culture and even language is not an ethical reason to deny someone service as long as they are able pay.

When you rent an apartment to someone you don't say they are ethnic so no I will not rent to them.

They speak a different language so someone will not rent to them?

They are LGBT?

But a reason to not rent to someone would be they have 8 children and this is only a two bedroom apartment.

Or this is a non smoking building, or the landlord does not allow pets.

It seems it all comes down to behavior.

Some religious people object to the gay lifestyle. They can't stand the idea of same sex people having sex. Though many same sex people are single, but still.

Well I say, that is their problem, while we are all being so graphic about it, I would also say that most gay people would probably not like thinking about heterosexual people in the act of sex either.

But that would not be an acceptable reason for a gay person to refuse service to a heterosexual person...

"Those heterosexuals look like they just had sex! Get them out of the store! Tell them to go shop somewhere else!" (cynical)

0 Replies
Sat 1 Mar, 2014 10:06 am
I'm glad you commended Gov Brewer.

From the beginning , this thread has been a GOP-bashing machine.

But it's important to recognize when the Right does something right; even if it's for the wrong reasons.
Arizona was facing an economic disaster and that's one thing the conservatives understand, the power of money to affect legislation.
Out of 11 other states with similar proposals in their legislatures, 7 have withdrawn their bills.

Sometimes the carrot dangled by Wall Street and big corporations to affect social change can succeed where the Government's stick fails.

Gov Brewer
“To the supporters of the legislation, I want you to know that I understand that long-held norms about marriage and family are being challenged as never before. Our society is undergoing many dramatic changes,” she said. “However, I sincerely believe that Senate Bill 1062 has the potential to create more problems than it purports to solve. It could divide Arizona in ways we cannot even imagine and no one would ever want.

“Religious liberty is a core American and Arizona value, so is non-discrimination.”

Again, kudos to you Rex

0 Replies
Sat 1 Mar, 2014 10:33 am
Scott Walker says federal government reneged on Medicaid payments to Wisconsin

0 Replies
Sat 1 Mar, 2014 11:37 am
@Frank Apisa,
Actually, CJ...liberal organizations got the same questions. The media people pulling your strings just don't want you to consider that.

Then you will be able to produce a source like mine to prove that. Get on that.
Sat 1 Mar, 2014 11:56 am
Then you will be able to produce a source like mine to prove that. Get on that.


That won't be possible, cj. Will you settle for three emoticons?
0 Replies
Sat 1 Mar, 2014 12:44 pm
BILL OF INDICTMENT: The Democrats' Unlawful Manipulation of the IRS to Attack Conservatives
IRS-gate: On Wednesday, former chairman of the Federal Election Commission Bradley A. Smith laid out a scathing indictment of President Obama and his henchmen in Congress. In short, the IRS targeting scandal traces directly back to the White House and Barack Obama in particular.

Now consider the following events, all of which were either widely reported, publicly released by officeholders or revealed later in testimony to Congress. These are the dots the media refuse to connect:
More facts. Still waiting on your source Frank.

In a sane version of the United States, the accompanying timeline would be just one appendix accompanying several articles of impeachment.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Sat 1 Mar, 2014 12:59 pm
coldjoint wrote:

Actually, CJ...liberal organizations got the same questions. The media people pulling your strings just don't want you to consider that.

Then you will be able to produce a source like mine to prove that. Get on that.

You will note that both conservative and liberal groups were targeted...and, surprisingly enough considering the crybaby angst of the conservatives, the only group denied tax exempt status was a liberal (progressive) group.

There is absolutely no indication whatever that the questions raised applied only to conservative groups.
Frank Apisa
Sat 1 Mar, 2014 01:10 pm
And the well-intentioned scrutiny...which is all it was...was started by a self-described conservative Republican in the IRS
Sat 1 Mar, 2014 01:10 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Try a real source Frank. Wikipedia has a liberal agenda.

Frank Apisa
Sat 1 Mar, 2014 01:11 pm
coldjoint wrote:

Try a real source Frank. Wikipedia has a liberal agenda.

Okay...would you accept something from MSNBC?
0 Replies

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