Fri 14 Feb, 2014 01:09 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Frank: President Obama used executive fiat less than any president since Truman!

I thought y'all didn't like kings ruling over you.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Fri 14 Feb, 2014 01:14 pm
coldjoint wrote:

You started the nonsense.


It's right here...still in the thread.
Fri 14 Feb, 2014 01:16 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Holy ****, frank Apisa provided a source!!
0 Replies
Fri 14 Feb, 2014 01:32 pm
@Frank Apisa,
The other presidents, including the Republican god, Ronald Reagan...used it more often

Show us which ones bypassed Congress and changed, or said not to enforce the law.

Your attempt to actually contribute besides name calling is duly noted. Carry on.
Fri 14 Feb, 2014 01:36 pm
@Frank Apisa,
It's right here...still in the thread.

Oh when I said you talk about anything but the topic. That is true. And your Bat **** crazy is backed up with what? Liberals say so? That is bullshit too.

Have you always been so inept at debate?
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Fri 14 Feb, 2014 01:44 pm
coldjoint wrote:

The other presidents, including the Republican god, Ronald Reagan...used it more often

Show us which ones bypassed Congress and changed, or said not to enforce the law.

Your attempt to actually contribute besides name calling is duly noted. Carry on.

Don't have to. Ronald Reagan greatly exceeded Barack Obama's use of executive orders.


Are you now suggesting that what Ronald Reagan saw fit to use the privilege for is just fine...but when Barack Obama uses it, it is not okay?
Fri 14 Feb, 2014 01:56 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Don't have to. Ronald Reagan greatly exceeded Barack Obama's use of executive orders.

Oh yes you do, if wish to explain Obamas power grab and show Reagan did the same.

Now cite one executive order that changed an existing law from Reagan, or pick up your ball and go home.
Fri 14 Feb, 2014 02:11 pm
coldjoint wrote:

Don't have to. Ronald Reagan greatly exceeded Barack Obama's use of executive orders.

Oh yes you do, if wish to explain Obamas power grab and show Reagan did the same.

Now cite one executive order that changed an existing law from Reagan, or pick up your ball and go home.

What are O's executive orders that changed the law? Also, name five of Reagan's executive orders that didn't change the law.
Frank Apisa
Fri 14 Feb, 2014 02:19 pm
coldjoint wrote:

Don't have to. Ronald Reagan greatly exceeded Barack Obama's use of executive orders.

Oh yes you do, if wish to explain Obamas power grab and show Reagan did the same.

Now cite one executive order that changed an existing law from Reagan, or pick up your ball and go home.

I do not have to cite anything other than the use of executive orders, CJ...and I have no ball to pick up. I am enjoying myself immensely here, talking about why people should never vote for Republicans.

Not sure why you want to keep sidetracking on this, especially since you claim to want to stick to the subject, but Ronald Reagan used executive privilege to do what he wanted to do...and Barack Obama used it to do what he wanted.

And Reagan used it much more often than Obama.

In the meantime, I think people ought not to vote for Republicans, because most show absolutely no aptitude to govern.
Fri 14 Feb, 2014 02:26 pm
@Frank Apisa,

I do not have to cite anything other than the use of executive orders,

That is what you say. Who died and made you boss? I say that if you compare any presidents use of those orders when ones lawlessness is being discussed you should show the others lawless deeds.

Fri 14 Feb, 2014 02:51 pm
What are O's executive orders that changed the law? Also, name five of Reagan's executive orders that didn't change the law.

Do you realize all that takes away from what Obama is doing NOW. And you wouldn't have it any other way. Would you?

And Reagan had a Democratic congress. I didn't recall hearing lawless and emperor. And Reagan actually managed to get things done.

Obama is a hack.
Frank Apisa
Fri 14 Feb, 2014 03:03 pm
coldjoint wrote:

I do not have to cite anything other than the use of executive orders,

That is what you say. Who died and made you boss?

Nobody. But who died and made you boss?

You are the one demanding that I produce something that is not needed. Obama used executive orders...less than people like Reagan.

If you want to do research into how and why each used it...do it. Don't demand that I do it for you.


I say that if you compare any presidents use of those orders when ones lawlessness is being discussed you should show the others lawless deeds.[/color]

YOU do not determine what is and what is not lawful or lawless, CJ. The courts do.

So once again...I don't have to do what you are demanding.

Reagan and both Bush's used executive orders more than Obama...and yet your are raging about Obama.

Anyway...another reason I think people ought not to vote for Republicans, is because Republican politicians all seem to be beholden to the bat-**** crazy Tea Party nut cases.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Fri 14 Feb, 2014 03:07 pm
coldjoint wrote:

What are O's executive orders that changed the law? Also, name five of Reagan's executive orders that didn't change the law.

Do you realize all that takes away from what Obama is doing NOW. And you wouldn't have it any other way. Would you?

And Reagan had a Democratic congress. I didn't recall hearing lawless and emperor. And Reagan actually managed to get things done.

Obama is a hack.

Actually, the Republicans controlled the Senate for 6 of Reagan's years in office.
Fri 14 Feb, 2014 03:14 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Actually, the Republicans controlled the Senate for 6 of Reagan's years in office.

Then what is Obamas excuse?

This guy?http://alien-earth.org/images/smileys/22anew.gif
Frank Apisa
Fri 14 Feb, 2014 03:23 pm
coldjoint wrote:

Actually, the Republicans controlled the Senate for 6 of Reagan's years in office.

Then what is Obamas excuse?

You said Reagan had a Democrat congress...but the Republicans were in majority in the Senate for 6 of the 8 years...and had enough votes in the other two years to insure a no vote on cloture.

The Republicans effectively ruled the congress.

Your question about Obama makes no sense.

This guy?http://alien-earth.org/images/smileys/22anew.gif

If you are asking my opinion, the world would probably be a better place if that guy had never been president.

Anyway, back to the topic for a while: Another reason people should not vote for Republicans is that Ronald Reagan started the notion that government is part of the problem...not a part of the solution. And Republicans, hungry for someone to idolize, think that makes sense. (In my opinion, it makes no sense at all!)

So they start by trying to govern from the perspective that government is bad.

True friends do not let friends vote Republican.

Fri 14 Feb, 2014 03:31 pm
@Frank Apisa,
The Republicans effectively ruled the congress.

What the **** is Harry Reid doing now? Obama is a hack, and progressive ideas like multiculture and welfare societies do not work.
Fri 14 Feb, 2014 03:43 pm
As Betsy McCaughey puts it, “God, help us” and I add: “From the evil stench of Democrat Party politics” Heil Obama!
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Fri 14 Feb, 2014 03:52 pm
coldjoint wrote:

The Republicans effectively ruled the congress.

What the **** is Harry Reid doing now? Obama is a hack, and progressive ideas like multiculture and welfare societies do not work.

Harry Reid is trying to help the country to be governed.

Obama is not a hack...and he is being stopped by people intent on doing nothing more productive than stopping him from governing.

Actually, ideas like multiculturalism have been extremely successful here in America...and societies that incorporate ideas of safety net programs for those having difficulty competing...actually work quite well.

Back to the subject of the thread, though...thoughts such as you are expressing here are another reason why I would ask people not to vote for Republicans. Essentially, they are defeatists...and they are more interested in rationalizing their lack of real humanity...than actually trying to see the value in helping less fortunates.

0 Replies
Fri 14 Feb, 2014 05:08 pm
What amazes me is that so many poor people vote for the Reps. The Reps are trying to balance the budget on the backs of the poor, and work ceaselessly to provide tax cuts and subsidies for the rich.

In the South, the Reps succeed on the issues of gays, guns, and god.
cicerone imposter
Fri 14 Feb, 2014 05:27 pm
It's because the Faux Pas News have been successful in the brainwashing of people unable to think for themselves. All they know how to parrot is, "taxation is a transfer of wealth from the rich to the poor." They don't understand what they're saying, nor the impact it has on the whole country.

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