mysteryman wrote:
As a combat veteran, there is no way that I am in favor of war, and neither is any combat veteran.
I have been in Iraq, Kuwait, Afghanistan, and other places.
You display your profound ignorance with your comment about me wanting a war with Iraq.
Mitt hasn't said anything that our govt hasn't said, but you don't like it so you are blaming him.
And yes, I do expect you to provide the exact quote where he promised to go to war.
That was your claim,so its up to you to back it up.
And you have not given an explanation why Mitt has Bush's war chiefs...
"If Israel has to take action on its own, in order to stop Iran from developing that capability,
the governor would respect that decision," Dan Senor, Romney's senior national security aide, told reporters
accompanying the candidate.
That is "without congressional approval"... (In Mitts own words)
Sound like a loose gun to you?
Remember how Bush's war cabinet trumped up every possible made up charge against Saddam to drag us into war? Well Romney has hired them as his propaganda machine... He even has Carl Rove funding his campaign...
You have not proven this is not his motive and the preponderance of evidence does not rest on my shoulders but yours to prove otherwise...
Are you stupid enough to think our glutenous oil companies here would not like control of Iran's oil? Who is funding Romany's campaign?????? BIG OIL... Just exactly like Bush...
CONNECT THE DOTS!!! (remember that?)