President Obama wants to raise the minimum wage.
The Republicans are against this because they would rather money trickle down. Does trickle down mean welfare?
So the republicans don't want to pay workers who work the most grueling minimum wage jobs and they are against welfare. Where exactly is the trickle down? Republicans don't want the rich to pay taxes either rather they insist on government subsidies for the rich and yes... those subsidies are tax payer money. I don't hear you lard for brains complaining about that! The repugs just want to keep stealing money from the middle class. So who is getting something for nothing? Who is getting rich off the backs of others?
Once again you insult President Obama yet you show no proof of what you say. You lie and that is the worst form of propaganda and deceit there is.
HOW is President Obama destroying the economy? Please explain? More middle class people with their own hard earned and fair share money means a better economy... The republicans just want to penalize those who do work hard and how does that help the economy?
I would also like to ask you, do you have a college education? Have you ever worked for years out in the fields in the burning hot sun ALL DAY doing stoop labor for barely minimum wage? Have you worked for years in a burning hot kitchen over a hot grill with no AC? Have you ever worked for minimum wage and been held up at gun point at a convenience store by robbers? Have you ever worked for a department store that "under one roof" had an automobile repair shop, photograph emulsions evaporating, a salon, dry cleaning from clothes and customers spraying colognes and when you and other workers became ill with headaches and burning eyes due to multiple chemical exposure and when you could take it no longer the company fought you and you were denied unemployment benefits? Have you ever spent two years homeless because you were too ill and poor to get medical attention?
I walk to the polls myself and no one has to hold my hand or remind me to vote out any and all teapublicans...