H2O MAN wrote:
It's obvious that you know absolutely nothing about Obamacare.
And it's also abundantly clear that you don't know what the word 'FREE' really means,
but I'm sure you know all there is to know about spending other peoples money.
I know that health care is a human right along with the pursuit of happiness. Jesus of the Bible saw it that way! When he helped the Samaritan out of the roadside ditch after this Samaritan was neglected by the pious and rich priests, this act demonstrated the idea of universal healthcare... Jesus' opinion was that healthcare took precedent over stinking rich partisan, religious and ethnic concerns. Jesus, a man who was unmarried at thirty, beaten beyond recognition as a human for over 30 hours, strung up on a cross and yet you fight hate crime legislation and gay rights. You claim to be a member of the religious right but is any of this "right"... What really is your policy?
Jesus called them hypocrites! Yes, you claim to be a conservative right winger and wear the badge of "Christianity" yet you begrudge the poor and down trodden collective social service. What really is your policy?
You tout the name "Abraham Lincoln" as a mantra of "republican" racial and social freedom yet you show only hatred and animosity for our current black president. What really is your policy?
You say that Islam has been hijacked by radical fundamentalists but what about the republican Christophobe party? What really is your policy?
The republicans are on a crusade against women's health (Is this to eventually squelch their generally liberal vote?). You talk about liberty and family values... Well a woman is an essential part of family "values"... What really is your policy?
Considering Lincoln slept with two pubescent boys in the White House on most nights. While tea partiers spout the "N" word and the "F" as in "ag" word at liberal policy makers outside the capital for doing the "Christian" thing for the sick and poor. What really is your policy?
You call men like Thomas Jefferson a liberal while men like George Washington, Benjamin Franklyn and most of the signers of the declaration of Independence were conservatives who led the fight against brutal and oppressive taxation by foreign "big business" concerns. These "conservatives" signed their "John Hancock" on the document titled, "We the People..." What is really your policy?
You condone violence to protect the unborn while you deny healthcare to those who are already born and in need of healthcare. What is really your policy?
You stand firmly behind the common ownership of handguns, while, yes, Lincoln did sleep with young men and you exonerate him (around election time) as a "great republican" while you deny gays the right to marry and vote along racial lines. Lincoln being shot in the head you see as an assassination while I see it as a hate crime... yet you call gays militant? I could easily see a republican of today perpetrating such a crime. What is really your policy?
You deny stem cell research that can save lives of countless and improve the quality of "the living" claiming it is to protect the unborn while many cells are potentially stem cells that we inadvertently wash off our hands and flush down the toilet when we take a dump... Should we not wash our hands or blow our nose to protect the unborn while denying the living healthcare and comfort when they are taken ill? What really is your policy?
You cut education funding while claiming to "leave no child behind"... What really is your policy?
You are against universal health care and, FOR big business and support laws that allow insurance companies to deny coverage after a serious illness is detected by doctors. What would Jesus think of that? Would he not call the insurance companies a "den of thieves" and overturn the tables as Obama has done? What really is your policy?
The thing about piracy is that the only rules of conduct generally apply among or between other pirates... Yet in truth, "There is no honor among thieves." What really is your policy?
How can anyone in good conscience follow the republican "agenda" when... What really is your policy? Considering the republican polices are so hypocritical and ambiguous, you have to be either stupid or evil (Which are you?) to give them any credence...
What is your policy? $$$