You've been stuck through the looking glass for so long now that you don't know what the truth is. I called you a lackey because that is what you are. I know you believe that you're a spokesman for the average Joe, the rugged individual who just needs to throw off the chains of big government to let his spirits soar. You don't speak for him though, you speak for the rich man.
He's the real moocher, making huge amounts of money whilst refusing to pay his staff a living wage. This forces them to take second or even third jobs. At the same time the rich man can afford teams of lawyers and accountants so he pays significantly less in tax than those he exploits. he's got sooo much leisure time, and his workforce are living on a treadmill.
He does this by forcing everyone else to live in fear.
1) Fear of getting sick, lack of universal health care keeps the peasants in their place.
2)Fear of immigrants, set the proletariat against each other. Make sure they blame illegal immigrants for stealing their jobs. At the same time employ a lot of illegals to maximise profits.
3) Fear of being blown up. With all those commies gone America needs a new enemy, grossly over-exaggerate the threat of Islamic terrorists.
4) Fear of redundancy, the last thing the rich man wants is full employment, that way the worker might be able to demand a living wage. A labour pool is much better, keep the peasants in their place.
5) Ramp up the fear on Fox News, blame all this **** on all of the above, divide and rule.
Blame it on liberal, socialist, communist, islamic, democrats. Shout loudly.
H2O Man open your eyes, live in the real world for once.