@Fil Albuquerque,
Fil Albuquerque wrote:
The way it is presented the argument comes short and simpleminded...whatever else could mind be, but the process of thoughts? What matters to a tangible concept of mind is the way brain integratedly operates, as its evolution along the hominedes History...
...Collage of thoughs...certainly! But not without a purpose...
"Self" refers to what we are functionally, phenomenologically being...what more or whay else should we ask for ??
I got no beef with any of that, either. Come to think of it, tho, 'collage' isn't a very good word for the idea I have. It's too static, and my understanding of mind is that it's a very dynamic, ongoing process, not an entity at all. Never the same from moment to moment, contingent on the environment, a process involving an uncountable number of influencing conditions, rather than some 'thing' that 'I' have.
Oh, and I wouldn't ask for anything to be different about it. If it weren't supposed to be the way it is, it wouldn't be that way.