If "IT IS" as it is, then "it" IS !
Is n´t it ?
@Fil Albuquerque,
...flash, flush, flesh, fresh...refresh !
That which watches the "mind" (in the sense of ego or self, little mind or subject of experiences) is called the Witness (or Atman). It cannot watch itself because, to say the least, it is not a particular entity. It is a function of Everything, of Cosmos, of Nature, of Brahma, etc. And it is the true you, or Big Mind.
That which watches the "mind" (in the sense of ego or self, little mind or subject of experiences) is called the Witness (or Atman). It cannot watch itself because, to say the least, it is not a particular entity. It is a function of Everything, of Cosmos, of Nature, of Brahma, etc. And it is the true you, or Big Mind.
ALAS !!! You speak something wise that I can agree with !
That´s why we do the watching for "it"...not "him"...maybe now you know my meaning of "function" or "relational"...
@Fil Albuquerque,
Fil, I just want to be helpful when I say this. ALAS is an old form of English, and it means something like "unfortunately". So unless you think it a great shame that you agree with JL, I think you are using the wrong word.
@Fil Albuquerque,
But mind you, that "our" watching, is its watching, through us...the infinite and the same...
OK and fair, always learning...
I meant "there it is" !
In old French I think..."A" from the + "LAS" exaust...(lassus in Latin)
@Fil Albuquerque,
I have said it before, and people almost never agree with me, but "self" is as illusive as "god", and real for the same reason "god" is real to those who believe in it.
@Fil Albuquerque,
Quote:I meant "there it is" !
Then you could have said "Lo!", which is an old English way of saying "behold!".
I see what you mean...but you, mind me...my ground is to question the belief that the "illusion" is an illusion at all...
Thanks again...I need to learn much of those little words to help me express myself as I am in Portuguese !
Cyracuz wrote:
I am Norwegian
Good, I admire the northern folk...
@Fil Albuquerque,
What little words in Portuguese?
Those words which make "my speech" to be "my speech"...
(words in context, as words which are not commonly used and that in English not always come into my mind to properly convey what I am thinking)
consciousness and therefore awareness of the without would stop
@Fil Albuquerque,
Fil Albuquerque wrote:
The "phenomena " is in the thought's and abstractions as much as it is in the "happening"...
...ALL is happening...( I just explain it to Dasein in the other thread...)
If I understand what you mean (pretty unlikely, but...), then I'm on board with that.