The red brigades in Italy, Japan or their German counterparts, or the IRA did not have to fly thousands of miles, set up sleeper organizations, take flying lessons, acquire expensive munitions (such as were used against
U.S.S. Cole), or acquire expensive vehicles (such as was used in the first atempt on the World Trade Center). Basically, they either operated in their own states, or they were supported by renegade national groups such as Got-Daffy's Libya. I don't consider a dictatorial state such as Libya has been for more than 40 years to be the same as a nonviolent substrate in a population which provides terrorist groups with the wherewithal to prosecute their acts. I acknowledge that you undoubtedly have more information on the German red brigades, but, for example, in the case of the IRA, the more radical elements were trained by Libya, in Libya, and supplied by Libya, or more likely by American sympathizers who were either cozened into thinking they were providing material aid to innocent Irish men and women, or were willing to willfully delude themselves to that effect. Publicity about Noraid and American efforts to broker peace in Ulster have lead the more radical and violent Catholic and Protestant factions into narco-terrorism. They now finance their organizations pushing crack, and are now deteriorated into little more than organized crime groups.
I believe it is correct to say that the
Sendero Luminoso were the first narco-terrorists, and since then, yes, the logistics of terrorism have changed dramatically.