Setanta says:
Quote:God, you do this **** all the time. Have you got a source for that? Oh yeah, i forgot . . . you're not my research assistant . . . you're "Zen."
Then in the next breath, Setanta says:
[/quote]The best reason for troops to go in in person is that a missle strike could have done a lot of collateral damage, and with no guarantee that bin Laden had actually been snuffed.[/quote]
But Setanta forgot to say to himself: "God, you do this **** all the time. Have you got a source for that?"
The US is really big on not doing collateral damage ...
the saturation bombing/carpet bombing in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia, Shock and Awe in Iraq, the firebombing of Japanese cities, the firebombing of Dresden, the use of two atomic bombs in Japan, free fire zones in Vietnam, napalming villages, spreading depleted uranium all over some countries, cluster bombs spread far and wide around the world, villagers as human mine sweepers forced to walk ahead of US troops in Vietnam, Korea,