Where to begin....
Confident, without being cocky.
A good sense of humour...hmmm...maybe I should say a sense of humour I would find good.

Romantic, but not overly so...someone who will never be afraid to hold my hand, but maybe not someone who is going to read me poetry. Let me relate another experience...we were out for a walk...he picked a flower and placed it in my hair behind my left ear (symbolizes that the woman is "taken")...*sigh*
Is not afraid to express his romantic feelings.
Is a non-smoker.
Is intelligent without being arrogant.
Someone I have sexual compatibility with.
Someone I have "chemistry" with.
Someone I can have good conversations with.
Someone who is honest.
Someone with a streak of adventurousness...though not crazy.
Mature, without being stuffy, and with the ability to be silly at times.
Have good hygiene habits.
Devoted to me....just as much as I would be to him.
Uhmm...icing on the cake...would be tall....have all his own hair and teeth...a nice butt...nicely muscled (but not overly so) shoulders....that's one of my favourite parts on a guy!
Gee....probably some editing to follow as I think of more...