Why are the prices going up?
Are you serious? You dont get it either huh?
gas prices always go up before an election. its a way to ruffle the fur of the american lemmings. Nothing like getting attention, a following AND saying something that people listen to like " I promise to deal with the oil problem in this country to save you money on gas!" when looking for a vote during the election. It is easy to crown an electoral super man when you have a common problem such as a high price.
what is my gas tipping point? I dont have one. Gas prices normalize in about 4 months after an election. besides, i get about 40 mpg as it is. it only hurts for a little while. price of living in a cluster **** called america.
Media outrage?
people do not pay enough attention to A) see the gas price pattern, B) realize their vote to change their country does NOT revolve around how much they pay C) understand their own economy.
Media outrage is only fueled by the loud mouths of society who think they are truly making a change by purchasing a new vehicle, riding the bus or otherwise playing into election frenzy by falling for the gas roller coaster drama. every. single. election. year... this happens. Sometimes i think this country has a memory of a gold fish. By the time they have circled their block, they have forgotten everything..
Government? Stabilize that price?
Sure. You quit your job. That is the equivalent. Why would they cut off a huge source of income like that? holy crap.
besides, the cost of gas , no matter what americans think, does not revolve entirely around THIS country, OUR economy or OUR complaints. gas is a world wide necessity. Its called global economy. Most americans dont have that concept. Involves too many people beyond themselves..
Higher gas prices will effect the economy yes.. but it will not stay at the 5.00 per gallon it will hit before ( and because of) the election. So that is not a question that will hold ground right now. Wait until the ' new' gas price is in place, then ask.