He might be liberal on his views about sex and family, but when it comes to business he could be the poster boy for The Tea Party. He fought for years to turn parks into parking lots and plotted to destroy NYC open space with his big ugly buildings. He begged and whined for every tax break in the book and meanly criticized any politician who wouldn't give him what he felt was his due . He claimed he was bringing jobs to NY when in reality he was a frontman for a bunch of much smarter Mafia types who knew who to bribe. He ran his own businesses into the ground mostly using other people's money. He was always considered an egotistical big mouth and the savvy investors kept away from him. There are rich NY liberals, they tend to support the arts and make large donations to public parks for things like children's playgrounds, they build schools and hospitals, but they don't open casinos and shiny gold veneer condos for the rich. You can try and slur him with the term "liberal" (whatever that means to you), but it's not going to stick in his case.