This was started in another thread,
as a spin off prescription to another prescription that was advanced in Post: # 4,568,361 by Ionus.
It started on page 173 and continued until page 181.
Ionus advanced the spurious notion that 'much more' doesn't describe a greater quantity than 'more' so the word 'much', he stated, is redundant.
He also advanced the spurious notion that it was bad English. He was never able to give any source for his contentions and his arguments were nothing more than a muddle of extreme ignorance.
[Can one use 'nothing more'? Does it mean the same as 'more'?]
I suspect that he spent many long hours on the Net desperately searching for something to defend his position but coming up short left him with the only tact possible, [save for honesty, which for him is out of the question], misdirection and lying.
As soon as one encounters the term "purists", used with respect to language issues, you can pretty much bet your last dollar that the stuff that follows is unrelated to how people actually use language, ie. it's a nonsensical prescription, which does contain I guess, a redundancy.
Is saying much more grammatically correct? For instance, some purists argue that this is wrong:
I'm much more comfortable with A than B
and that it should be:
I'm more comfortable with A than B
or, to emphasize:
I'm a lot more comfortable with A than B
Much more does sound colloquial but I've seen it used in newspapers and articles so I was curious.
Much more is perfectly grammatical, and in fact much more popular than a lot more, according to both the British National Corpus and the Corpus of Contemporary American English:
much more 8024 29549
a lot more 1209 9954
much more comfortable 28 203
a lot more comfortable 12 72
much more expensive 47 186
a lot more expensive 13 47
Much more comfortable is more popular in all contexts, from spoken to academic. In fact, in academic contexts it is preferred by a significantly larger margin than in speech:
much more comfortable 0.65 0.26 0.73 0.51 0.22
a lot more comfortable 0.33 0.06 0.21 0.22 0.02
(Average number of occurrences per million words.)