David wrote:In Retrospect, Was It Error to Let Moslems into America or England ?
djjd62 wrote:i'm going to say England,
i never fly and would never work in a tall building,
Really or r u
joking ?
Y 'd u not work in a tall building? Fear of flying Moslems?
Interesting (to me):
I worked in the successful campaign of a governor of NY.
I was led to believe that a job that I 'd been offered
woud continue to have its offices in the World Trade Center
(owned jointly by NY and New Jersey), but the governor
had other ideas. I was mildly, slightly saddened.
I 'd worked in it before,
doing trial work in the NY State Court of Claims
in Tower 2, on several floors 82 thru 86 floors.
It was a beautiful place to work; at lunch or after
a day of trial, I sometimes went up onto the roof
and beheld the raw beauty of the vast panorama
in each of the 4 directions, each distinct from
the others. However, in the governor 's vu,
for financial reasons, he opted to move
some State property, including the Court of Claims,
out of the World Trade Center; he was the boss.
A few years later: 9/11/1.
He saved my life.
The plane hit near where the Court had been.
My disappointment had been in error.
I did not know what the future held.
If the WTC were re-built,
defiance of the Moslems)
and if I chose to continue working (which I don't),
I 'd love to work up there again.
I used to take the
E train (subway) into the basement of the WTC.
That was superbly convenient.
I definitely woud love to use the higher floors of a re-built WTC,
(if I wished to continue working). It was a joy to attend court there.