Sat 2 Apr, 2011 09:31 am
I occasionally have what people might call “egotistical” thoughts; I will occasionally think to myself how good something I did was, and I’ll get pleasure in knowing that others may have been impressed by what I did. There are people though, who claim that the ego is something that we must “overcome”, or get rid of, as if it’s this constant affliction that people suffer from. However, I can still engage in thoughts and thinking that are not egotistical in any way. I think what I am saying is that people are not continuously egotistical, and also that no one can “erase” their ego’s entirely, but, what you can achieve, is a reduction in the activity of the ego.
Nevertheless, can the ego be totally gotten rid of?
yes, but I what I meant was can the ego be extinguished in a living human being? some Buddhist thought and other spiritual thinking claims that the ego is something that, through a certain process, can be erased permanently, but on the contrary, I do not think this is possible.