This is facinating.
What makes her believe that some men are attracted to her solely because she is Asian?
I certainly don't mean to be offensive, but I don't know how she might be able to determine this unless she was clearly unattractive in all other conceivable ways.
Of course I very much doubt this is the case, and so I have to wonder how she knows some men are attracted to her solely because she is Asian and not because she is beautiful, has a husky voice, is brilliant or humerous or kind, has large or small breasts, wears sexy clothes or any one of very many reasons why men are attracted to women.
What does being senstive to the perceived condition mean?
Why did she feel the need to warn you when you were dating?
What did she expect would happen that you needed to be warned about?
Feel free to ignore this post if you think it too intrusive, but you posted what I consider a very interesting comment. (and not because I have any special Jones for Asian women)