Condemn racism, and bigotry

Renaldo Dubois
Reply Sun 20 Mar, 2011 03:48 pm
@Fil Albuquerque,
The content is the what I believe is racist. This thread is about condeming racism and bigotry, isn't it?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Mar, 2011 05:35 pm
Skimming through...

I saw someone post that although they are not racist, they reserve the right to not like certain "cultures". Just ftrying to figure out a couple things...
One, how does one dislike an entire culture? Does that mean all the individuals in it? If someone dislikes an entire culture, how is that not bigotry?

Just askin'...
Renaldo Dubois
Reply Sun 20 Mar, 2011 07:05 pm
Some cultures are destructive or backwards. I don't like those kinds of cultures.
Reply Sun 20 Mar, 2011 08:12 pm
That previous poster did not say he disliked everything about the culture. In fact if you read his post properly you'll find he was very specific about saying he tries to understand the ways of the culture, even if he dislikes many aspects of it.

As a probable example of what I was referring to in my previous post about brainwashing and guilting people into suppression of generalisations - your comments have, through flawed beliefs, automatically attributed to 'generalisations' a lack of discernment (generalisation can only be bad in the absence of individual discernment - and those two characteristics are two separate things). It is also interesting that you came to the conclusion that he disliked the entire culture, which is quite different to what his overall thoughts were...so one would ask how and why you came to that conclusion.
Renaldo Dubois
Reply Sun 20 Mar, 2011 08:17 pm
I dislike the Islamic culture. It's not adaptable to American culture in my opinion. Sharia Law is barbaric in my opinion. Nothing to like about that culture.
Reply Sun 20 Mar, 2011 08:22 pm
Condemning racism and bigotry is condemning bad thinking. Race is a concept without a referent. There is what a social anthropologist, Charles Wagley, called "social race" but not physical races (according to the physical anthropologist Ashley Montagu). The former is of interest to sociological scholars because of their social functions. The latter have no referents in the sence that genes do not organize themselves into discrete biological entities. Genes exist but not the fictive entities we call races. No races, no physical basis for racism, only sociological ones.

Hi JL,

While the distinction of race is largely a concept in the mind - it's plain obvious that our mind does make distinction between differences in our world.

No one could sensibly argue that jet black africans from, let's say Sudan, don't share certain genes in common (relating to skin colour and facial features) that aren't shared by, let's say, your average white scandanavian. So you have a distinction in features, based on genes (seriously, there can't be a sensible argument against this...no matter how fancy mind bending and convoluted a genius philosopher becomes).

Then we have socialogical/cultural differences, which are of course all in our mind, but we make distinction between not just common physical characteristics, but between common social characteristics...and that, as well as I'm sure many other distinctions, we attribute to race.

Recognition of a distinction isn't bad thinking - it's simply recognition. Recognition without understanding can certainly lead to bad thinking.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Mar, 2011 08:27 pm
@Renaldo Dubois,
I doubt that you dislike absolutely everything, despite your claims - and I bet you know very little about the culture you claim to completely dislike...just what you see on TV, right?

This sort of thing is what I was referring to earlier about generalisation withough discernment.

Btw, I would agree that the Islamic culture is not, as a whole, adaptable to western/english culture.
Fil Albuquerque
Reply Sun 20 Mar, 2011 09:52 pm
it will be...but first is a bit like the clash of two different galaxy's...eventually, given sufficient time, they will merge as Globalization goes inexorably forward..."Assimilation" and "Accommodation" is the term in psychology I think...(Piaget)
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Mar, 2011 09:56 pm
@Fil Albuquerque,
I would recommend you read The Concept of Race, edited by Ashley Montagu, especially the essay by Frank Livingston, "On the Nonexistence of Human Races" for insights into the problematics of Race.
Fil Albuquerque
Reply Sun 20 Mar, 2011 10:02 pm
I appreciate the intention there nevertheless you and a Chinese are not alike...no matter what the book says...and that much is enough for me.
Anyway thanks for the suggestion. Wink
0 Replies
Reply Sun 20 Mar, 2011 11:15 pm
Everyone has the right to choose a favorite race,
the same as his favorite song or athletic team.

I don't care whether someone likes my race or not.

Fil Albuquerque
Reply Mon 21 Mar, 2011 12:44 am
My favourite country´s are Japan and Germany, and usually I don´t fit in the "full happy" Latino mod all to well...can´t stand the drama...
But from there to assert that there are races which hardly have any value goes a great deal of linear stupidity...diversity is unquestionably needed into an healthy species pool gene. (and Socially works exactly the same)
Reply Mon 21 Mar, 2011 04:02 am
@Fil Albuquerque,
Fil Albuquerque wrote:
My favourite country´s are Japan and Germany,
and usually I don´t fit in the "full happy" Latino mod all to well...can´t stand the drama...
R u Latin ?

Fil Albuquerque wrote:
But from there to assert that there are races which hardly have any value goes a great deal
of linear stupidity...diversity is unquestionably needed into an healthy species pool gene. (and Socially works exactly the same)
Those who see things differently than u do have as much right
to believe their opinions and to express them as u do yours.

Thay can believe them with as great as intensity as u do.

Being loyal to your beliefs, or to theirs, has no bearing
upon the accuracy of either.

Fil Albuquerque
Reply Mon 21 Mar, 2011 08:20 am
I was born in Portugal, so yes I am Latin although my grandmother was German...she came to Portugal on the 2 world war...

Those who see things differently than u do have as much right
to believe their opinions and to express them as u do yours.

Thay can believe them with as great as intensity as u do.

Being loyal to your beliefs, or to theirs, has no bearing
upon the accuracy of either.

1 - ...of course they do, as long as they are n´t invasive towards my on beliefs or judgemental which they "catholicly" are most of the time...

2 - usually I can well sacrifice any belief I have when logically proven wrong...most people I know even avoids to know to much just to keep up with they own beliefs...and that´s just wrong. Of course this is a cultural problem and does not have anything to do with races or anything like it...

3 - My love of Germany is nothing but the simple meritoriously recognition on a country that actually provided western culture with the best it has today, from Philosophy, to Music, up to Physics and Engineering...that knowledge was massively exported to the US after the 2 World War...just to name a few well know cases, I am thinking about Von Braun the Moon, the Atom Bomb, or Einstein, also in Goethe, Nietzsche, Cantor, Mozart, Beethoven, Wagner, and on and on and on... if one is minimally enlightened one must admit that with an open mind. Germany is by far the most organized country in Europe and my own, Portugal, the least...plain simple, no harm in admitting so !

4 - Japan equally is all about organization, responsibility, and hard work...and its past about a code of conduct which one can´t help but to deeply admire, being Bushidō (武士道) the Samurai code of honour the perfect most elegant example.

5 - ...another thing which is central, is to learn to take responsibility for one´s actions instead of blaming bad luck...(paying taxes would also help)

That said, Racism is the worst most stupid linear form of dealing with cultural discrepancy´s...self evident !

Reply Mon 21 Mar, 2011 09:53 am
@Fil Albuquerque,
Similarly, if I were to rank societies, Japan and Germany would be at the top. The immensity of their capacity for greatness as well as cruelty are both unsurpassed. They have both done as Germany's poet, Goethe, vowed to do: "sound the height and depth that man can know."
Fil Albuquerque
Reply Mon 21 Mar, 2011 10:19 am
Cruelty, or lack of awareness is a Universal trait...I think it was in the 60´s that they did a psychology study who revealed that 65% of population was able to do harm without regret as long as they were tout it was legal and OK in order to get their monthly salary...firstly was meant to compare the difference between psychopaths and normal people, and they were choked to learn that normal people normally just follow the flow without giving it a second thought even in the face of evidence...the experiment was about a job in which an operator would apply dosed amounts of electrical charges upon someone in a different room who was being interrogated for no particular reason...they were told the limit human body could handle on voltage and a few moments after someone would suggest to increase the voltage progressively...guess what, 65% of the subjects in the experiment would go up the limit without a blink just as long they thought it was a normal procedure which they interpreted has an order from its "boss"...not feeling at all responsible for their action...
I think this is a perfect example on how the evolutionary simpleton common trait "follow the leader" can go dangerously wrong sometimes...nevertheless it is enlightening on the naive belief we all have on the "people´s heart"...
I guess is case to say that Rousseau get it all upside down...people are cruel in the worst most dangerous possible manner...they are unaware !

0 Replies
Reply Mon 21 Mar, 2011 01:52 pm
@Fil Albuquerque,
Fil Albuquerque wrote:
I was born in Portugal, so yes I am Latin although my grandmother was German...
she came to Portugal on the 2 world war...
1/4 German, 3/4 Portuguese ??

David wrote:
Those who see things differently than u do have as much right
to believe their opinions and to express them as u do yours.

Thay can believe them with as great as intensity as u do.

Being loyal to your beliefs, or to theirs, has no bearing
upon the accuracy of either.
Fil Albuquerque wrote:
1 - ...of course they do, as long as they are n´t invasive towards
my on beliefs or judgemental which they "catholicly" are most of the time...

Fil Albuquerque wrote:
2 - usually I can well sacrifice any belief I have when logically proven wrong...
most people I know even avoids to know to much just to keep up with they own beliefs...and that´s just wrong.
They ADMIT that ???

Fil Albuquerque wrote:
3 - My love of Germany is nothing but the simple meritoriously recognition on a country that actually provided western culture with the best it has today, from Philosophy, to Music, up to Physics and Engineering...that knowledge was massively exported to the US after the 2 World War...just to name a few well know cases, I am thinking about Von Braun the Moon, the Atom Bomb, or Einstein, also in Goethe, Nietzsche, Cantor, Mozart, Beethoven, Wagner, and on and on and on... if one is minimally enlightened one must admit that with an open mind. Germany is by far the most organized country in Europe and my own, Portugal, the least...plain simple, no harm in admitting so !
Better organized than the Swiss ??

Fil Albuquerque wrote:
4 - Japan equally is all about organization, responsibility, and hard work...and its past about a code of conduct
which one can´t help but to deeply admire, being Bushidō
(武士道) the Samurai code of honour the perfect most elegant example.
What does Bushido say about attacking someone with no warning in peacetime
while he is sleeping in his bed early on a Sunday morning??

Fil Albuquerque wrote:
5 - ...another thing which is central, is to learn to take responsibility for one´s actions instead of blaming bad luck...
(paying taxes would also help)
The least taxes we pay, the better to keep our damned & loathed creation: government, weak,
starved and inoffensive, (blessings be unto Robert Heinlein).

Fil Albuquerque wrote:
That said, Racism is the worst most stupid linear form of dealing with cultural discrepancy´s...self evident !
What did the Germans have against the Slavs,
in particular????

Fil Albuquerque wrote:
Regards, Filipe

Fil Albuquerque
Reply Mon 21 Mar, 2011 02:17 pm
Correct...essentially Portuguese !
...But its slightly more complicated as I am descendent from a Portuguese conqueror of the 15 century who was vice king in India thus the family members often married with other European family´s...

Better organized than the Swiss ??

You cannot compared them...different sizes different reality´s, different problems to solve...

What does Bushido say about attacking someone with no warning in peacetime
while he is sleeping in his bed early on a Sunday morning??

That is a linear approach to Bushido...nevertheless you make your point there.

The least taxes we pay, the better to keep our damned & loathed creation: government, weak,
starved and inoffensive, (blessings be unto Robert Heinlein).

We are a social species...cooperation is of essence if we want to succeed in the long run on a global scale...the State which is to me the notion of enlarged family and civilization, the natural representative for public Law and order should not be scorned as a plague for free entrepreneurs initiative...they far depend more on its success then what they figure... to my notion a week state indirectly leads to crisis like the one we are living now...I can see as an (probably) American why you have a different opinion...

What did the Germans have against the Slavs,
in particular????

...every country has is on contends with neighbouring nations...not a particular case for A or B...
0 Replies
Reply Tue 22 Mar, 2011 09:25 am
Just because PHYSICAL races do not exist (not to be confused with genetic variations) RACISM does exist with respect to SOCIAL races. Mexico used to insist that it was free of racism because it had no races, only mestizos, i.e., a nation of Spanish-Indian hybrids. But anthropologists have documented the process of racism, of lighter skinned mestizos discriminating against darker skinned mestizos on the basis of "blood."
Reply Tue 22 Mar, 2011 04:27 pm
Just because PHYSICAL races do not exist (not to be confused with genetic variations)
That's playing semantics isn't it.

You could come up with many arguments about what race is and what it encapsulates, and it would be largely true to say that race is much more than genetic variations common to specific geographical area's...and it would be incorrect to say that people don't recognise someone from the Japanese race based purely on their physical features, or an african based purely on their physical features. Of course within those boundaries it's possible to be even more specific (eg you can distinguish between asians who are Chinese, Japanese, and Vietnames - they have rather separately distinctive features). Even if that Japanese person was born and bred in the US, he/she would still be recognised as coming from the 'Japanese' race.

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