David wrote:NY Mensa Halloween Party (its major social event of the year).
Linkat wrote:I'd imagine that the Halloween Party would been their major social event - seeing most are in costumes.
Sorry I missed it ....
I don 't wear costumes much.
I used to wear a
$1O Gold piece of 1845, as tie pin; (as a joke),
I turned it around for the Halloween Party,
so that the Eagle on the reverse was hanging upside down
and I called him a bat.
I don 't know where u r, Linkat,
but if u r close enuf to NY, or willing to travel, u r invited
to the next Speaker's meeting. I 'll ask my friend Marty
what (and when) the next topic will be. He's on the Board of Directors
and hence more directly on top of Mensa current events.
I have not been on the Board since 1980.
Some topics r more interesting to some people than others.