Tough to deal with ain't it ladies and gentlemen?
Which is not my problem. It is not an area of critical thinking which can be dealt with using predictable and washed out cliches. They are a species of Ignore I'm sorry to say. Again.
I am content to let who will assess my intelligence. I wouldn't dream of hiring people for hard earned money to flatter me with their self-flattering tests. After all, you need to be hyper intelligent to be in the business of determining the intelligence of others or a slick salesman. Which might well come to the same thing.
I've heard of these dickheads, a euphemism for wankers, saying that Wayne Rooney is thick. Can you believe that? The problem they have is that they can't see, or steadfastly refuse to see, that Mr Rooney's intelligence is not measured on the circular criteria they use to give themselves a boost and is worth millions of £££££s in the estimation of the general public whereas their worth is probably in negative territory if the indebtedness statistics are a useful guide.
The fact that Mr Rooney looks a bit thick is further proof that you cannot judge a book by its cover. Except perhaps with Mad Mammas, Reader's Wives or 40 PLUS style books.
They mow the football pitches for home matches in those patterns which are not meant to be pretty but are a component in the fast moving game of live, knockabout chess which would leave your average, everyday, run of the mill Mensanian not only completely knackered after two minutes but also confused if not totally mesmerised.