Ceili wrote:
I haven't talked to the woman because yesterday was the first time I've seen her since the incident and she was on the other side of the park and I had to go, I'd been there for two hours and had an apt.
I think the term Man Up is stupid. I'm female and I can't grow a set either.
I'll remember this the next time you have an issue though, since I thought this was the place to discuss things. I didn't restart the thread, I responded to a late post. So um, what the hell is your problem. If you have a problem with me starting a thread and/or responding to an old thread, perhaps you and Goldman can start a mutual bitch session or you can refrain from the vitriol and ignore the posts.
damn you're a whiney butt.
I like the expression Man Up, for both men and women. If you don't like it, then don't say it.
I don't think I start threads where I complain about something, without having made the effort to take the mail to the right address. If I have a problem with someone, I tell them, full stop. I may come on and say what the other person responded, and what I'm going to do next. The operative word is "do"
I don't know why you'd have to spend 2 hours with the person you have an issue with. You're exaggerating.
I didn't restart the thread either, I have no idea who did. My comment was about my surprise that after all this time now you're still talking all around the problem, and won't just take care of business by talking to the source.
So grow a pair, man up, put up, show up, and accomplish something.
Your dog doesn't even remember any of this, and you wouldn't have to either if you had just opened your mouth to the right person weeks ago.
I like you Cieli, I actually really do. You're smart, and have a good sense of humor, but you're stewing about all this way too much. Don't give me that "just you wait until...." What, is that what you do, lie in wait until the other person gets as catty wumpus as you? What a silly threat. "just you wait"
Ok, I'll wait, then what?
I have a feeling that's what you're doing with this woman, who BTW is not wasting any of Her time thinking about you. You really want to say to her "just you wait....just you wait until Your dog gets kicked....then you'll see. Then I'll be there to jump out and say. Aha! How do you like it now, Ms Dog Kicker?"
So what? If/when I mention a problem, you be there to post "aha, I told you, I said to you 'just you wait' and NOW I've got you. How does it feel Ms. 'now I have a problem'?"
Seriously, what do you think people's reaction should be when you come out with something like "just you wait"?
I dunno, my reaction is sorta, "uh, okay"
goldman? WTF? I don't even Like Asian females.
You're really cool Cieli, but your dogs ok, he's off licking his butt, the woman doesn't even remember, so go to the park and have fun with your dog.