David wrote:Ike took his role as the BIG DIPLOMAT to an extreme; an unnecessary extreme.
wayne wrote:Yep, he shoulda put his foot down long before he did.
American soldiers 'd have been better off.
I don 't think there 's much chance
that the English woud have
undeclared war.
wayne wrote:I don't know at which point we really discovered the weakness
of the sherman, do you think that producing a better tank would have delayed d-day?
Or would we have bogged down in France waiting for the numbers we needed?
Well, a lot of things were getting done
while we were hanging around in England.
Eventually, thay actually DID provide decent new tanks, with 90mm artillery.
Thay shoud have done it
SOONER, earlier in the war.
It was
for Roosevelt to incorporate an
enforced suicide policy into American battle strategy,
de facto that is what Roosevelt
DID; treachery.
At least the Japs overtly
KNEW what thay were doing,
and from what I 've heard (allegedly) thay were not actually
to join the Kamakasies; that was (allegedly) voluntary.
It says a lot about American bravery, that our guys took it in stride,
and accepted the situation, when thay actually found out about it by
contact with the Tigers.
I do not believe that Roosevelt's War Dept. mentioned it,
when thay sent the bad news home to American mothers;
I doubt that thay told them that thay used American Armor as
suicide troops,
with quick replacements, to bleed the nazis by slow attrition.