Wed 9 Mar, 2011 10:49 am
Could someone please help me translate this to latin with proper grammar
"May the gods grant me clarity of mind to know the path of the righteous and just in the face of adversity"
It's for a tattoo i've been thinking about so any help would be greatly appreciated.
"May the gods grant me clarity of mind to know the path of the righteous
and just in the face of adversity"
Di claritatem mentis ut semitam rectorum iustorumque contra res adveras
cognoscam mihi donent
Di --> gods
claritatem --> clarity
mentis --> of mind
ut --> that
semitam --> path
rectorum --> of the righteous
iustorumque --> and of the just
contra --> in the face of
res adveras --> adversity
cognoscam --> I may know
mihi --> to me
donent --> may grant
Please read this.