man's the one who calls the shots?
What century are you living in?
Sorry to seem flip about this but,
I am also well aware that Western culture does not prevail everywhere on the planet but this is 2011 and the mere fact that a person has a penis is not necessarily a good enough reason for them to, as you say, "call the shots".
Get out there and meet people. Old people, young people. Fat people, thin people. Male people and female people. Single people and married people.
Meet humans and be friendly and approachable, and you will, it is likely, meet folk who see that you are single, and who may ask you, "I have a friend who is looking, would you like for me to fix you up?" And once it's easier for you to meet people, it will be easier for you to meet someone with whom you might want to have a relationship.
Oh and BTW, if you're afraid that your friends will judge you, they ain't your friends. Anyone who's that judgmental about someone who's just going out to play tennis or whatever -- they are insecure in a big way and you don't need 'em.