or fake tears...
I always cry- except when I'm doing it alone.
Hey - that's something I never thought of before. I don't convulse or sneeze - but I do cry - I don't know why - just another form of release I guess. But I only cry when it's a joint effort and the end goal is achieved - not when I achieve it on my own.
So for the guy, it must be this real mixed bag of emotions - like, 'Awww, why is she crying- I feel like a real heel' but then there must be a part of him that's like, 'Hey, look at me - I made her CRY!'
PQ - I think every woman reacts differently. As I said, I've never convulsed, but I have cried. Strange, innit?
It's also just occurred to me what a strange word 'cry' is- I've never really listened to or noticed how strange it is before. It doesn't at all sound like or describe the action. Too much like 'dry',
Nostril is a strange word too.