I always wanted a father. I wanted pants hung by their cuffs from a dresser drawer. I wanted change jingling in a pocket and the sound of ice cracking in a cocktail glass at five thirty.
What does " I wanted change jingling in a pocket "mean here?
When the writer said: I wanted change jingling in a pocket and the sound of ice cracking in a cocktail glass at five thirty.
it meant:
I wanted (to hear the sound of )change jingling in (the pocket of my fathers coat or tousers) and (I wanted to) hear the sound of ice cracking in (his) cocktail glass at five thirty (which meant he was home from work and getting comfortable in the house.)
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Thu 3 Feb, 2011 11:44 am
What does " I wanted change jingling in a pocket "mean here?
It may also suggest that the speaker, without a father, was poor. The change jingling would mean more comfort because it would signal that money was available to meet the family's needs.