How many kinds of fossilized cells of animals have been found?

Reply Sat 12 Feb, 2011 04:42 am
Well, that was some interesting research. Essentially, your boy Wretch here, of "Wretchfossil" and "Wretch.cc" is someone with a very strong religious agenda who employs the same "yes it is--no it ain't" method of simply denying any criticisms of the alledged "fossil evidence." But what is even more intesting (apart from running a blog at a Japanese Teeny softcore site), is that every thread you have initiated at this site since you registered here has come straight from Wretchfossil or Wretch.cc.

So, tell us Bewildered . . . are you Wretch?
Reply Sat 12 Feb, 2011 04:52 am
I did a little checking around and found this Larry Skelf has been making the rounds of the forums since at least 2007, some times PHB ( petrified human brain). His spiel is pretty much the same, been refined a bit. Apparently using a front man now. Been told everything 100 times, by plenty of scientists, ignores the facts, changes his story a bit here and there.
Bewildered must be his genious back up man, nobody but nobody on any other thread believes his crapola.
Reply Sat 12 Feb, 2011 05:11 am
I believe that you are being rather limited in your "microscopy eperience". A geological (polarized light microscope) IS a biological microscope (same optics, magnification,AND DOF) In addition, , these microscopes have a roating stage with high order minimal arcs. They also have polarizing light optics (ON or OFF) and cross nichols quartz wedges to see pleichroism. Pleichroism is a dead giveaway , as is direct opacity of specimens if they are heavily mineralized.
The batches of slides you present above have been rolled out by you as cnstituting some kind of "proof of concept". In the carbonatite slide, we can see the structures that led the team to define these specimens as non-biogenic. Your constant yelling that we must accept your own conclusions is silly. If you cant accept that C13 carbonatoites are non biogenic, I cant do anything farther for you.

AS far as your implication that "geologists are incompetent" in assessing biotic specimens, I must only remind you that several paleontologists actually Are chairpersons of anatomy departments of major med colleges. Their backgrounds and wide experience in seeing all kinds of life traces makes them unique in developing intedisciplanary prgrams.

I again reviewed your slides and would challenge you to give the OStean and haversian canal and the Myelin tissue slides to a competent stereo microscopist and have them take several photos at different stereo angles of extinction. I see that there are several unremarekeable "reaction radii" of minerals that I believe youve confused as haversian canals.

I certainly dont want to rob you of your discovereies but I am not so quick to accept some fairly non descript mirographs as proof of biotic origins for these samples.

SEt asked an interesting question that Id like to explore further. What is your sense of ownership of many of these slides? do they represent your own research ? If so, my admonition to get some stereo views of several 30 micron thick thin sections, is critical. Im not going to do it for you because you are the one making these claims and you are the one that science will judge. ALso you seem to have a strong aversion to any geologists "sticking their noses into your work". HAve you had some skepticism from other geologists?
Reply Sat 12 Feb, 2011 05:15 am
So you think PHB could be Wretch, huh?
Reply Sat 12 Feb, 2011 05:32 am
Could be, it's most likely Larry Skelf, behind the curtain, he usually bails when pressured for evidence. His geologist Fred Trexler is listed in the wkipedia dfinition of crank.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 12 Feb, 2011 05:39 am
Kind of a "pay no attention to that man behind the curtain," huh?


Years and years ago, we had a joker like this here, who at one point threatened to sue FM, who told him to bring it on . . .
Reply Sat 12 Feb, 2011 05:41 am
Bewildered, when you first started your trip here in A2K (about 2 weeks ago), you first posed as a student who was open minded, abit naive in demanding help, but still somewhat persistent in searching out samples of your questions.
In retrospect, you immediately seemed to ignore the actual evidence of real "tissue fossils" from paleo literature or archeological evidence (bog people, mummies etc). You seemed focused on the ED Cob=nrad specimens which have a definate Cretionist schpiehl attached to them

!specimens are accompanying the geology of an very ancient world.

2Implication that humans lived during deep geological time

3Deep geological time is a bogus concept and the world and all its contents are but a few thousand years old.

These are the conclusions drawn by the Conrad acolytes. (Are you omne?). Getting "experts to agree with you , specially if you prurposely deny any competent mineralaogists or paleontologists from having a view, is easy. There are tons of Creationist anatomists and physicians who would use their limited worldviews to pass on their credo.

If you want folks to even believe your stuff, youve gotta hone your pitch so that your supporters and some of the critics arent able to post their own stuff on the web ner yours.

Im mostly amused at the brain specimen. I think youve got optic specimens from that mixed in here and yet noone seems to give a damn that there are HUMAN FINGERPRINTS on the silicate framework , coearly showing that the specimen was an artifact constructed by human hands acting on a brain specimen. That fact alone rules out that this was anything but an archeological specimen of dubious age. A competent scientific journal of this specimen wouldnt be all full of questions that imply this was from some vanishd age where super humans lived with dinosaurs (especially since it came out of the soil near a creek in Tennessee).The journal would treat this specimen like the FORENSIC CASE that it was. In forensics (and Im surprised that the eminent anatomist in charge didnt call this out), the context and the environment of the specimen is equally important as the specimen itself, (A procedure that seems to have been avoided completely in your presentation and the "Large crayon sized letters" of the supportive headlines that you posted.

There is much associated posting and web site creation by Creation style ministris who have jumpd on the brain and Conrads long "bones" as EVIDENCE for their ministries. I say NOT SO FAST. I havent seen any real published data other than these web sites. WHere is a batch of competent scientists, so convened to evaluate this with the assignemnt to publish in some journal that is pwer reviewed. EVEN were the brain another Piltdown hoax or "Cardiff Giant" the interest alone in the means of preservation and geochemistry and microscopy would make an article that the Journal of Forensic SCiences would be interested in publishing (IMHO).

The ball is in your court bunky. You brought all this up and a few of us have voiuced skepticism. We havent seen anything but what you selectively released to the world. If you dont want to let other associated scientists look at these specimens, that is very telling as concerning your motives in this.

Im ot interesetd in winning anything, I havent made any claims that the long bones are "CArboniferous" you did. I dident imply that the human brain was a fossil of natural origin , you did. LAstly, I didnt agree with your biotic origin of the meteorite (enough evidence to a counter conclusion has been presented by Stanford University and NASA).

Youve got your tasks cut out ofr you Id venture to say.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 12 Feb, 2011 05:43 am
Haha, thats a riot, I'll sue.
I can hardly believe there are really people like this around, and quite a few at that.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 12 Feb, 2011 05:46 am
It was interesting that, shortly after Bewildered started posting, the PHB member (I didnt check to see how long hed been on the board or if he just joined that day) started his posats that he was the owner of several of the fossils so I was assuming that PHB was Conrad. MAybe not but WAynes idea of the interconnection of the folks is interesting. I hadnt seen the association of the geologiwst Trexler (since the brain specimen had some fairly siphisticated geological references I just assumed it was "amateur night" on the website.
If you have a link to Trexler Id love to see it.
Reply Sat 12 Feb, 2011 05:56 am
Trexler is listed on skelf's site, I didn't notice till I stumbled on a google link to crank under petrified human brain. I found some threads on a few other boards, the earliest ( 2007) Skelf used his name, then he changed to PHB, I'm guessing bewildered is one and the same, PHB joined the date of his first post.
I even found one thread where another member knew him personally and had a bit to say about his behavior.
Reply Sat 12 Feb, 2011 06:08 am
I found some stuff too. I googled trexler and got the "Fossil brain" ebsite with quotes (of caution) from Trexler.
While he is a Creationist (And Im not sure hes a YEC) , he seems to be calling for some caution in pushing any implications for what the brain specimen represents. Hers a quote to which Skelf responds :

Dr. Frederick Trexler, Phd. Geology, Physics

" Your work on the Petrified Human Brain appears to be thorough and convincing that it is an amazing find. You have convinced me that there exists conditions for rapid fossilization, and that this is a young fossil.

However, this evidence does not prove that the Earth must be young. It does help to establish that Adam's descendants are young on an old earth. The Bible does not claim an age for the Earth, it is an assumption made by YEC in interpreting Genesis 1. Your website would better serve the case for faith in Christ if you did not try to force the false logic that this young fossil implies a young Earth. God does His work in faithfulness and truth, He does not try to fool us by putting false evidences for an old Earth in the sedimentary rocks."

Trexler, at least is not so fast in calling for the dumping the LAW of SUperposition as do the YECS, so hes an OEC and is calling for common sense in the claims re the brain.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 12 Feb, 2011 06:13 am
I have my doubts about the validity of these claims of finding a human brain fossil. I would like to see photos. on the other hand, I do have photos of the real thing, One that my wife and I own. This one is for real. Check it out on You Tube Man with two brains (I was trying to catch attention).
Honestly, I do really have this thing and it is Infiltration nature actual cast pseudo morph, not encrustation and not endocast

Comment posted in june 2007
Reply Sat 12 Feb, 2011 06:28 am
Honestly, I do really have this thing and it is Infiltration nature actual cast pseudo morph, not encrustation and not endocast

I like his use of "pseudo morph" . I was always assumeing that this was a REAL brain that was Infilcast by silane. Im still going with that. A "pseudeomorph" is easy for things like crystals but not biotic specimens. EVen things like "dendrytes" are little moss or tree-like blots on shales where Manganese (wad) has been deposited.
Reply Sat 12 Feb, 2011 06:39 am
I thought you might like that, I found another photo of it that's better than those on his web site. I'm gonna call it a rock, there is no symetry between the hemispheres at all.
Rare Fossil Discovery is Petrifying | Astigan.comOct 20, 2008 ... The bizarre rock, owned by Larry and Debbie Skelf, was just a sentimental token until about two years ago when research began on it. ...<br /> www.astigan.com/2008/10/20/rare-fossil-discovery-is-petrifying
Reply Sat 12 Feb, 2011 06:41 am

redo, this works,
Reply Sat 12 Feb, 2011 06:41 am
PHB needs to work with his boy Bewildered here. I might not have gone searching if it had not been for Bewildered's rather foolish decision to post all those links in one go-round, which heightened the "Wretch" thing--made it obvious. When i extracted the basic link "Wretch.cc" from those links, it took me to the soft-core, Japanese Teen girly site, which hosts the blog they're using as a platform for their links. Maybe this will be a word to the wise, and they'll learn to clean up their act.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 12 Feb, 2011 06:44 am
Ah-hahahahahahahahaha . . .

“It was given to my mother, Eddie Mae Hodge, by uncle Luther Hodge, in Tullahoma Tennessee, forty years ago."

Kind of shoots that found-in-Pennsylvania-coal-seams **** right in the ass, don't it?
Reply Sat 12 Feb, 2011 06:50 am
Sure does, better yet there are 2 other stories, one where her mother found it and one where she found it. The Soddy Daisy paper had a couple stories on it.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 12 Feb, 2011 06:58 am
Bewildered is mixing and matching. The brain was always stated to have come from Tennessee. This wasnt denied. However, what bewildered did was mix micrographs from the Hell Creek T-rex, the brain, and the "HAversian canals" from the long bones (which WERE claimed to have come from Mahonoy City Pa).

Its a confusion of riches here.
I bleieve we have

1 a meterorite with non biotic traces

2"long bones" which come from the Coal measures opf Pa and are Lepidodendrales fossils complete with vascular bundles in cross section

3 Fossilized "plumbHammer" of dubious Paleozoic age and a skull cap

4 A brain from tenessee that has been removed from its host, and has been treated with some silica gel or polymer to create the "fossil".

5 A knuckle bone and "Mandible" from the same Mahanoy city site (these were reported by Mwedved several years ago and its amazing that all this **** comes from a site that all specimens are no more than a few hundred feet apart.

Im goin with the Tennessee murder case" for the brain, a fake sereies of fossil paleozoic bones and a hammer, and the meteroite which isnt even part of this discussion really. (Bewildered is just grabbin for straws)
Reply Sat 12 Feb, 2011 07:12 am
I suspect Bewildered is the patsy in all of this, the dupe of PHB. Bewildered is peddlin' some outrageous bullshit in other threads. He told me that i was a guardian angel in another life . . . Roswell considered that going too far.

Bewildered shows all the earmarks of a credulous, fervent religious believer, easily practiced upon by the likes of PHB.

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