Try or anyone,,, (God please thank you amen).
someone let me know, that one of thee wisest thought's if any, for someone who is superseded, is to put them in their victims shoe's so they will not repeat the same mistake every that they exist and then some (btw if God and his buddies Holy Men aren't happy NO ONE! will be happy Amen.), that is being planned by complete stranger's that are more than inferior to God like me),
of their lives, thought's, actions and emotions as well as free will.
"Where is she going to live" Jesus?" "mhm" amen. Jesus and Try thank you for being decent human being's,, ,thank you, sorry amen.
I just said out loud that i hear voices and i was ridiculed again.
God and Thee Holy Men can do anything they fk'n please and they do! Just put them in our Blessed shoes on a constant, from the beginng of their interference please thank you amen.
su·per·sede (spr-sd)
tr.v. su·per·sed·ed, su·per·sed·ing, su·per·sedes
1. To take the place of; replace.
2. To cause to be set aside, especially to displace as inferior or antiquated.
[-seding, -seded]
1. to take the place of (something old-fashioned or less appropriate): cavalry was superseded by armoured vehicles
2. to replace (someone) in function or office [Latin supersedere to sit above]
might be,
~"What would God do if he were me?" "I would live in the worst place i put you three in as long as i am and i Who is God deserve your blessed lives seeing how my hand's are constantly and conveniently tied thank you Paula The Holy Ghost/ spirit everyone amen. (i won't be alone ever! say's I Who is God amen.
"Thy {God}Will Be done"?
Can you think of anything else besides those two thought's to think of
if you were to ask God for anything at all?