Did I spot why that paragraph is unusual?
Did I what not, Tryagain, but thank you, and whilst I laugh out loud too much too, I'm in two minds about that story, as you may know.
Moving on :
That V of yours was an unexpectedly salubrious delight. I'm jiggered up to give you two fingers of finest Crown Royal XR Canadian whisky on the strength of it, no 'e', in whiskey eh?
Q1 - What does Arnie's rebus
upon waking up after the operation mean?
Q2 - What letter in G A I N S A is denied an appearance?
Q4 - What is the missing letter and number?
Q5 - How many times can you subtract 5 from 4^(3/2)?
Q6 - What explains the higher than expected speed of stars orbiting the outer reaches of the Milky Way galaxy?