where's mou???
Good riddle, I give up.
With three coins, the only reasonable thing you can do is pick any two of them and put one in each pan. There are three possibilities:
1. left pan is heavy
2. the pans balance
3. right pan is heavy
Explain how you can deduce the heavy coin in each case.
The first and third cases are easy: we know the counterfeit coin is heavy, so the pan that is heavy has the counterfeit coin. The second case is only a little harder: there's only one counterfeit coin, so at least one of the two coins in the pans is not counterfeit, and because the other coin weighs the same, it is not counterfeit either. Therefore by a process of elimination the third coin (the one not in the pans) is counterfeit.
We started small and solved the small problem, now let's try to leverage that solution to solve the bigger problem. Explain how to perform two weightings on eight coins, so that the last weighing matches the step we used for three coins.
The Rest of the Solution
To apply the solution for three coins, we need to isolate the counterfeit coin to a group of three coins, using only one weighing, and in fact we can use the same idea. Divide the eight coins into groups of three (one group will only have two), then balance the two groups of three against each other. Just as in the three-coin problem, if one side is heavier, it contains the counterfeit coin, and if the sides balance, the other group of two coins contains the counterfeit coin. If one of the groups of three contains the counterfeit, we can find it in one more weighing using the three-coin solution. If the other group of two contains the counterfeit, we can find it in one more weighing by balancing the two coins against each other. :wink:
"how many places are there on earth, where you can walk exactly 1 kilometer south, then 1 kilometer east and then 1 kilometer north and end at the same point where you started"
The same place where a scientist lives in a hut from which he walks one kilometer directly south. He then hikes exactly one kilometre directly east. He then sees a bear and in terrible fright runs for one kilometre directly north back to the hut.
What colour was the bear
"Put weight in B1, lower it. Put son in B2, B1 goes up. Put daughter in B1, B2 goes up with son. Daughter stays on ground, son in tower, weight falls in B1. Son goes down in B2. Now daughter + son go in B2, and mother goes in B1, takes weight out. Mother comes to the ground, daughter + son come up. Repeat procedure to lower son & daughter, this time instead of lowering just weight, lower son and weight goes up."
(a) The weight is sent down; the empty basket comes up.
(b) The son goes down; the weight comes up.
(c) The weight is taken out; the daughter goes down; the son up.
(d) The son gets out; the weight goes down; the empty basket up.
(e) The queen goes down; daughter and weight come up; daughter gets out.
(f) The weight goes down; empty basket up.
(g) Son goes down; weight comes up.
(h) Daughter removes weight, and goes down; son comes up.
(i) Son sends down weight; empty basket comes up.
(j) The son goes down; weight comes up.
"Darn! I totally missed the cannonball. Sometimes
I am as slow going as a cannonball in a boat."
Relative is sailing down a river that is going at 3 kilometres per hour. There is no wind. Should he raise the sail in order to go faster.
An electric train is travelling at 90 kilometers per hour due south. A wind from the north is blowing at 95 kilometers per hour.
Which way will the smoke go
You are looking North, facing a chicken coop. The peak of the iron roof of the coop faces East-West and the wind is blowing from the South-East. A rooster lays and egg right on the very peak of the roof.
Which way will the egg fall
There is a hole in the ground measuring 1 metre deep by 1 and a half meters wide by 1 and three-quarter meters long.
To the nearest cubic centimetre, how much dirt is in the hole
There are 12 pennies in a dozen.
How many half-pennies are there
You are driving a suburban bus from the Redline Bus Company and at the first stop you pick up Susan, George, Andrew and his two sons. At the second stop you pick up Lisa, Margaret, Carol and her son and daughter and also Mike, You also drop off Andrew, one of his sons and Susan. At the third stop you pick up Peter who is carrying a chicken and you drop off Carol's son and daughter and George.
What is the bus driver's name
There are 3 words in 'Astronomical' use that end in 'n', 'a' and 'r'. The first is 'lunar' the secong is 'perilunar' and the third occupies the front position and can be the brightest of all.
What are the three words
As I was going tp St Ives I met a man with seven wives,every wife had seven cats and every cat had seven rats, every rat had seven mice. Me, husbands, wives, rats cats and mice, how many were going to St Ives
Remember the two rules for success are:
1: Never tell them everything you know.