Quote Magnum, "Â…the box will go up with same speed as the monkey climbs the rope. So they are continually at the same horizontal line."
As the monkey climbs, the weight will rise by the same amount.
Quote Relative," Distance walked = 24 miles, time at the peak = anywhere between 6 and 7 o'clock, depending on the distance to the top of the hill from their home."
A level mile takes quarter of an hour, up hill one third, down hill one sixth. Hence to go and return over the same mile, whether on the level or on the hill-side, takes half an hour. Hence in six hours they went 12 miles out and 12 miles back. If the 12 miles out had been nearly all level, they would have taken a little over 3 hours; if nearly all up hill, a little under 4. Hence three and a half hours must be within half an hour of the time taken in reaching the peak; thus, as they started at 3, they got there within half an hour of half past six.
a)"When the system settles dynamically again, the water level is the same as was before when the cannonball was still in the boat."
b)" the water level goes down, the trick is that the cannonball has a greater density than water, so when the ball is on the boat it will bring great pressure. but when the ball sinks into the water the weight doesn't bother anymore and then the only water that's replaced is equal to it's volume"
At least it proves writer a) does not work for the water board. :wink: I like answer b).
The water level lowers. It will be a tiny amount especially if the lake is large. When the cannon ball is in the boat the weight of the ball pushes the boat into the water which raises the water level. The boat with the man in it will take up a certain amount of space that would otherwise be occupied by water. It is a well known principle of science that the cannon ball will cause the boat to take up additional space equal to a volume of water that weighs the same as the cannon ball. Since the cannon ball is much denser than water, that volume of water will be much greater than the volume of the cannon ball. But when the ball is put into the water it takes up a volume of water equal to its own volume. Less space is taken up by the lake, so the water level goes down.
An oblong garden, half a yard longer than wide, consists entirely of a gravel-walk, spirally arranged, a yard wide and 3630 yards long. Find the dimensions of the garden.
A captive queen and her son and daughter were shut up in the top room of a very high tower. Outside their window was a pulley with a rope around it, and a basket fastened to each end of the rope of equal weight. They managed to escape with the help of this and a weight they found in the room, quite safely. It would have been dangerous for any of them to come down if they weighed 15 lbs more than the content of the other basket, for they would do so too quick, and they also managed not to weigh less either.
The one basket coming down would naturally of course draw the other basket up. The queen weighed 195 lbs, daughter 105, son 90, and the weight 75 lbs.
How did they all escape safely
There are ten bags containing marbles. Each bag has at least 10 marbles in it. Nine of the bags contains only marbles weighting 10 grams each. One of the bags contains only marbles weighing nine grams each. Each bag has a different number of marbles in it. All of the marbles look exactly the same.
The riddle is how can you know which bag has the nine gram marbles if the only device allowed to be used is a weighing scales which you can use only ONCE