So, there we have it! Right, Right, Right and Right again.
The four Musketeers, one for all, and all for one.
MyO (I like that) "I hope that not only 50% of World is on "my" side in that argument That would make us 50-50 and I hope good side leads by at least one percent?"
When you are right, one voice is enough.
The first man would always say he is a truth-teller. If he is a truth-teller, of course he would say so. If he is a liar, he would still say he is a truth-teller. This means that the second man told the truth. Ask the second man whether or not the bridge is safe. (Of course, you could always ask the third man, as long as you realize he is lying.)
"Relative works behind your back; he's stealing puzzles for his selfish experiments" Good for you, I look forward to reading your book.
""Is this bridge safe if and only if you are not a liar?" I'll leave it to Raymond Smullyan to prove it"
He would be pleased with the answer.
"He is Mel Gibson. Really." His secret is now in the Public Domain.
"I just don't understand that part about "translate into your own language, answer is the same"
4Give, 4get. Any language you like. Same 4.
"Cetiridaj i cetiriuzmi? "
"Stiridaj in Stirivzemi?" I hope that says, what do you want to drink! Make mine a Vodka.
Last, but not least. A Key. Magnum, you have unlocked the answer.
A man left an inheritance of $10,000 to three relatives and their wives. Together the wives received $3960. Janet received $100 more than Carol, and Mary received $100 more than Janet. John Smith received the same amount as his wife, Harold Saunders got half as much again as his wife, and Tom Clancy received twice as much as his wife.
What was the first name of each man's wife
And how much did each receive
What rock is also a food
I have two fruit in my basket. When I rearrange the name of
one, I get the other. What are the fruits