The worlds first riddle!

Reply Tue 18 May, 2004 11:30 am
"What word or expression is represented below ?


Forgive and Forget.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 18 May, 2004 11:35 am
nice - I just don't understand that part about "translate into your own language, answer is the same"

Cetiridaj i cetiriuzmi?

Stiridaj in Stirivzemi? Ha, Relative? Confused
0 Replies
Reply Tue 18 May, 2004 03:16 pm
I turn my head and you may go where you want.
I turn it again; you will stay until you rot.
I have no face, but I live or die
by my crooked teeth.

a key
0 Replies
Reply Tue 18 May, 2004 05:34 pm
So, there we have it! Right, Right, Right and Right again.
The four Musketeers, one for all, and all for one. Cool Cool Cool Cool

MyO (I like that) "I hope that not only 50% of World is on "my" side in that argument That would make us 50-50 and I hope good side leads by at least one percent?"

When you are right, one voice is enough. Very Happy

The first man would always say he is a truth-teller. If he is a truth-teller, of course he would say so. If he is a liar, he would still say he is a truth-teller. This means that the second man told the truth. Ask the second man whether or not the bridge is safe. (Of course, you could always ask the third man, as long as you realize he is lying.)

"Relative works behind your back; he's stealing puzzles for his selfish experiments" Good for you, I look forward to reading your book. Very Happy

""Is this bridge safe if and only if you are not a liar?" I'll leave it to Raymond Smullyan to prove it"
He would be pleased with the answer. Very Happy

"He is Mel Gibson. Really." His secret is now in the Public Domain. Cool

"I just don't understand that part about "translate into your own language, answer is the same"

4Give, 4get. Any language you like. Same 4. Very Happy

"Cetiridaj i cetiriuzmi? "

"Stiridaj in Stirivzemi?" I hope that says, what do you want to drink! Make mine a Vodka. Drunk

Last, but not least. A Key. Magnum, you have unlocked the answer. Very Happy

A man left an inheritance of $10,000 to three relatives and their wives. Together the wives received $3960. Janet received $100 more than Carol, and Mary received $100 more than Janet. John Smith received the same amount as his wife, Harold Saunders got half as much again as his wife, and Tom Clancy received twice as much as his wife.

What was the first name of each man's wife Question
And how much did each receive Question

What rock is also a food Question

I have two fruit in my basket. When I rearrange the name of
one, I get the other. What are the fruits Question
0 Replies
Reply Tue 18 May, 2004 10:45 pm
have two fruit in my basket. When I rearrange the name of
one, I get the other. What are the fruits

melon and lemon Smile
0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 May, 2004 05:36 am
You have eight coins. One of the eight is counterfeit. The counterfeit coin can only be distinguished by weight---it is heavier than the rest. Using a balance scale only twice, find the counterfeit coin Question
0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 May, 2004 05:49 am
A man left an inheritance of $10,000 to three relatives and their wives. Together the wives received $3960. Janet received $100 more than Carol, and Mary received $100 more than Janet. John Smith received the same amount as his wife, Harold Saunders got half as much again as his wife, and Tom Clancy received twice as much as his wife.

(3960-300)/3 = 1220

1220 --> carol
1320 --> janet
1420 --> mary

there is 6040 left for the man

if tom is the husband of mary he receives 2840 etc etc.

if you work all possibilities out then there only 1 solution and that is

tom & mary
john & carol
0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 May, 2004 10:19 am
Magnum, you have excelled yourself. Cool Take the rest of the week off, and if challenged tell them I said it would be OK. Do let me know how you get on. :wink: He, he.

I have seen the answer to the counterfeit coin question, so I will sit that one out. BTW "Instead of pulling the door, he could push the door" am i right??? "

Don't ask Whim, he does not know the answer. Although I must say he keeps a watchful eye on any questions without answers, and does a good job to get an answer the second time round. However in this case you are very right. So simple, so difficult. No one else in the world posted the right answer. Take a bow Cool (pause for applause).

It must be a sign of old age but, I cant remember if I posted this.

In olden days, you are a clever thief charged with treason against the king and sentenced to death. But the king decides to be a little lenient and lets you choose your own way to die. What would you choose Question Remember, you are clever!

What is black when you buy it, red when you use it and gray when you throw it away Question

Talking about buying me a drink. How can you spell brandy using only three letters Question

There are several English words that contain all the 5 vowels. Can you name some of them Question

Two vertical 750 ft posts have a 1000 ft rope stretched between their top most points. The rope sags to within 250 ft from the ground. How far apart are the posts Question

Assume that you have just heard of a scandal and that you are the first one to know. You pass it on to 4 persons in a matter of 30 minutes. Each of these 4 persons in turn passes it to 4 other persons in the next 30 minutes and so on.

Assume that no one hears it more than once and that the world population is 5.6 billion.

How long will it take for everybody in the world to get to know the scandal Question (He is Mel Gibson. Really.) :wink:
0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 May, 2004 12:40 pm
Quick answer
If I would be this thief I would, if allowed, request to be executed as a part of ceremony at King's funeral Smile Or, if I can only choose weapon, to be beaten to death with his skull Very Happy

as for English words, you know that's not my mother language but one I can think of - Mozambique....

But he really is Mel Gibson Wink
0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 May, 2004 03:31 pm
Two vertical 750 ft posts have a 1000 ft rope stretched between their top most points. The rope sags to within 250 ft from the ground. How far apart are the posts

0 meters

500 m down and 500 m up that's 250 above the ground :wink:
0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 May, 2004 03:32 pm
Assume that you have just heard of a scandal and that you are the first one to know. You pass it on to 4 persons in a matter of 30 minutes. Each of these 4 persons in turn passes it to 4 other persons in the next 30 minutes and so on

i believe there is a topic on this forum that handels this question

try i've send a pm for the other questions hope there correct Smile
0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 May, 2004 04:31 pm
That Magnum, is one cool dude. Cool

Quote MyO, "If I would be this thief I would, if allowed, request to be executed as a part of ceremony at King's funeral Or, if I can only choose weapon, to be beaten to death with his skull

Very funny, Very Happy but I think there is a way he can live a bit longer.

as for English words, you know that's not my mother language but one I can think of - Mozambique....

That is very clever, Cool and I didn't list it. Embarrassed

But he really is Mel Gibson
That is what I was told as well. Perhaps he would sign an autograph, or some free tickets?

By the way, it was reported to me that Relative was lurking on this forum at 10.27am EU time. If this is true, who is running the country? :wink:

Got it at last! (A variation on an old Relative problem) with a clear answer.

One end of a rubber strip is attached to a tree. The other end of the rubber strip is attached to a car traveling away from the tree at 10 miles an hour. A bug steps on the strip from the tree and walks toward the car. The bug's walking speed is 1 mile per hour. We will assume that the rubber strip can be stretched forever without breaking. Will the bug ever reach the car Question

Persistence is often among the most important tools we have to accomplish a goal.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 20 May, 2004 04:22 am
By the way, it was reported to me that Relative was lurking on this forum at 10.27am EU time. If this is true, who is running the country?

Since everything is relative, I can easily be in many places at the same time Wink Besides, I'm having a great time watching you guys even when I'm not in the mood to count apples and guess bananas Wink

The thief problem has links to many I've seen; and MyO's answers are among the funniest!
I'd add to these:
- Smartass : I'd like to be killed with the remainder of dividing 65536 with 16384.
- Peaceful : I'd like to die of old age.
- Encrypted : I'd like to be killed with a certain exact number of arrows; and this exact number is the minimum number of colors that are needed to color any planar map, so that no two neighbouring countries are of the same color!
- Cruel : You will sufocate me with my own brain.
- Paradox: If and only if this statement is a lie, you're going to hang me.
- Funny : I will die from laughing at your stupid jokes.
- Greedy : I will hang myself with that golden chain of yours.
- Slang : You will freeze me along with the Hell.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 20 May, 2004 05:54 am
0 Replies
Reply Thu 20 May, 2004 10:30 am
I'm found in most countries, yet not in earth or sea,
I am in all timber and yet not in any tree,
I am in all metals, yet I am told,
I am not in lead, iron, brass, silver or gold,
I am not in Australia, yet this I can say,
I'm to be found in mankind every day.

i think it's the letter M

and i also belive that the bug will finally reach the car
0 Replies
Reply Thu 20 May, 2004 11:16 am
Hmm, very simple for a housewife. Even simpler if she is a housewife/daughter/niece at the same time.

Hare must run with a speed 85/4 (21.25) times the speed while nibbling the grass, and if he's half the bunny he should be, it's a piece of cake.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 20 May, 2004 12:39 pm
can you show us some calculations???
0 Replies
Reply Thu 20 May, 2004 04:09 pm
As Relative said.
The diameter of the circular track has no bearing on the problem. When they meet, the hare has gone 1/6 of the way while the tortoise traveled 17/24. The tortoise has therefore been moving 17/4 times as fast as the hare. The hare has 5/6 of the distance yet to go as compared to 1/6 for the tortoise, so the hare must go five times faster than the tortoise, or 85/4 times faster than he went before.

Will the bug ever reach the car?

Say a line is painted across the centre of the rubber strip dividing the length of the strip in half. That line would travel at half the speed of the car. Say 10 lines are painted across the rubber strip dividing its length into 11 equal sections. The line closest to the tree will travel away from the tree at 1/11 the speed of the car. Since the bug is travelling at 1/10 the speed of the car, it is travelling slightly faster than that first line(since 1/10 is bigger than 1/11). So the bug will reach the first line. When the first line is reached the next line will also be travelling away from the bug at the same speed as the first line had been(since the rubber strip stretches evenly). The bug will reach the second line and all the others one after another until it reaches the car.

During the Roman stampede in Flores, a small detachment found itself confronted by a wide and deep river. However, they discovered a boat in which two children were rowing about. It was so small that it would only carry the two children, or one grown person.

How did the officer get himself and his 357 soldiers across the river and leave the two children finally in joint possession of their boat Question
And how many times did the boat pass from shore to shore Question
0 Replies
Reply Fri 21 May, 2004 02:52 am
Rubber band: Try, that is excellent! The 11 lines illustration is excellent!

1427 crossings; clever officer ..

And, deriving from my quick solution to the 'housewife' problem, can you guess my profession 8)

0 Replies
Reply Fri 21 May, 2004 05:30 am
0 Replies

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