retirwepytee6yltcerrocniemoselohw !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
First class Adrian,

throw another dingo on the barbe for me.
Crossing the amazon river.
Human and monkey cross, monkey gets out human goes back.
Human and Ed cross, human gets out Ed goes back.
Human and Ed cross, human gets out Ed goes back.
Ed and monkey cross, monkey gets out Ed goes back.
Human and Ed cross.
What am I missing?
About 10 trips, quicker than the hard worked answer I have. You are my Hero of the Week.
My rather long winded answer.
You start by having Ed reluctantly ferry his evolutionarily challenged cousins across the river. By themselves, they cause no trouble. When finished, Ed returns and stays behind with a human (all men are equal for the sake of this problem) while the other two human row across.
One human ferries one monkey back to the starting side, then goes across with Ed. This human picks up the other monkey and returns to the first bank while Ed thinks "Why the @#$?!? did they have me bring those monkeys over in the first place?!?"
The two humans now on the first bank cross over and begin afternoon tea, having had enough travel for one day. A now thoroughly disgusted and motion sick Ed is sent across to ferry all the monkeys over once again.
Cup answer.
Fill the three-cup vessel to the top. Pour it all into the five-cup vessel.
Fill the three-cup vessel again. Pour all that will fit into the five-cup vessel; this will be only two cups, leaving one cup in the three-cup vessel.
Empty the five-cup vessel back into the bowl. Pour the one remaining cup into the five-cup vessel. Refill the three-cup vessel and add it to the five-cup. You now have four cups in the five-cup.Drink it all up, and see how easy it was!
Our villainous Ned can use the other fuses in lieu of a watch. Here is how:
First, he takes one fuse and forms a loop so that the two ends touch at point A Call this Fuse AA.
Next, he takes a second fuse and touches one end of it to the two ends of Fuse AA, and straightens it out to point B. Call this Fuse AB.
Then, he takes a third fuse and touches it to the loose end of Fuse AB, at point B. This will be Fuse BC.
Now Ned touches a match to point A. Fuse AA will begin burning at both ends, while Fuse AB will start to burn from A to B.
Because AA is burning at both ends, it will burn twice as quickly. Ned waits patiently, and as soon as AA is completely gone, a half hour has elapsed. He then immediately touches a match to point B, starting BC burning, and igniting the unlit end of AB.
At the moment B ignites, Fuse AB has half an hour left. Now it will burn twice as fast, and finish in fifteen minutes. As soon as AB disappears, Ned extinguishes BC and knows what remains will burn for forty-five minutes.
Now to abscond with Pauline!
You are trapped in the Prison Tower of Contrivances. Fortunately, you have managed to pry open bars on the window to your cell. Unfortunately, the window is half way up the two hundred foot tall tower.
Conveniently, two fifty-foot ropes are tied to two iron rings in the ceiling of your fifty-foot tall cell. The iron rings (and consequently the ropes) are about a foot apart.
Your confinement has weakened your bones somewhat, so you cannot safely fall more than a few feet without risking serious injury. However, your upper-body strength and climbing skills are top-notch.
Armed only with a pocketknife, how much of the rope can you liberate to aid in your escape