Okay, here are the answers.
a) The 18 ounces of gold weigh substantially more than the 18 ounces of lead. Unlike the classic "pound of feathers vs. pound of bricks" trick, there is a difference- not in physics but units. Gold is commonly measured in troy ounces which is 31.103 grams metric. This is compared to a normal (avoirdupois) ounce which is 28.350 grams.
b) Several hours: While electrons travel at close to the speed of light, their path inside the wire is not direct. The electrons are constantly bouncing off each other. So while the electricity completes the circuit instantaneously, an individual electron takes a very long time. Related would be a photon generated near the centre of the sun- it might take close to a million years to reach the surface of the sun, and another 8 minutes to get to the Earth.
c) Assume the four cards were the four queens: there are two ways of getting the same suit: QS/QC and QH/QD, while six total possible combinations. So one in three.
d) The Pacific Ocean. Most of us accustomed to Mercator projection maps think of North America being more or less lined up directly above South America, but look on a globe and see that almost all of South America is east of North America.
e) The moon. (groan...)
f) There are two: facetiously and abstemiously.
g) Ear, eye, arm, toe, lip, leg, gum, hip, jaw, rib.
h) They were all on the first album to go "trans-solar", on Voyager.
i) If you happened to be looking straight at him, the flash from his rifle would reach you almost instantly. Assume for a moment that the he is a competent assassin who hid himself well (and for some reason was aiming for your foot). The speed of sound is approximately 1129 feet per second at sea level. The sound will reach your ears in .044 seconds. The bullet will hit your foot in .038 seconds. So much for dodging the bullet on this one. But I asked which would be the first evidence to you- and that would be the sound. Because once the bullet hits your foot, the pain impulse must travel your myelinated A-fibers to your brain at 330 feet per second. Assuming you're five feet tall, that's an extra .015 seconds onto the trip.
j) Captain Ahab, from Melville's "Moby Dick".
k) The Pyramid of Giza, The Gardens of Babylon, The Lighthouse of Alexandria, The Colossus at Rhodes, The Statue of Zeus, The Temple of Artemis, and the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus.
If you got eight or more of these questions right without using outside sources, you can consider yourself a master Riddler.

If you got twelve, I don't believe you! :wink:
Congratulations to


Lacomus and

Relative for ALL the correct answers.
Try this:
In the quiet village, almost every man is completely faithful to his wife. Why? Because, all the men are honourable gentlemen. Slightly germane as well is the long-standing tradition that if a woman ever learns her husband is unfaithful, she will kill him that night while he sleeps.
It also may be relevant that the women are notorious gossips. If a woman discovers a man to be untrue, either on her own or through heresy, this fact will quickly be known throughout the village within a matter of hours to all the married women except the wife of the unfaithful man.
One fateful day a fortune-teller came to town and revealed the terrible truth: some man or men had been unfaithful.
For a week, a great fear gripped the town as every woman wondered if her man was true, and as every philandering man wondered if his days were numbered.
Then, on the eighth morning after the fortune-teller came, the coffin maker received his orders. How many men were dead
China has been grappling with a population problem for some time.
For numerous social and cultural reasons, families strongly prefer male children to female.
Consider a hypothetical city somewhere in China where the practice has arisen that every family continues to procreate until a son is produced, at which point they stop having children.
Assuming that boys and girls are born with equal probability, what is the ratio of boys to girls after 100 generations
Simple riddle. (Part 1)
If you fear that I am near,
Here's a wise word in your ear,
You may look forth and aft for me,
But to do so simultaneously,
Ensures you'll just look straight through me,
Even if I'm right behind thee.
What am I