The snail and the rubber band:
I wanted to post this old puzzle but turns out I forgot the solution
I am struggling to solve it,

, but decided to post it anyway.
If I don't solve it, we'll have to ask the Board to decide on the correct solution!
Anyway, we have a rubber band, 1 meter long.
At one end of the band is a snail, travelling at a speed of 1cm/second (a supersnail

) trying to get to the other side. But, alas, the rubber band is stretching, it's far end moving at a horrible velocity of 1 meter/second. Now this band is a superband also, and is infinitely stretchable.
The first question is : can the snail ever make it to the other side?
(in the first second the snail makes 1cm, but the distance to the far end just increased by almost a meter!)
The second question is, how long before (if ever) the snail reaches the end?
Good luck and bye for today!