3rd and 18 for the Jets.
They'll go for a field goal.
What a crazy game so far! (FG missed at short range.)
The Jets can't afford that.
Man-oh-man, I do NOT have a good feeling about this.
LawFirm for a first.
Krumpler for another first.
The 12th Man.
This idea was tossed over my transom by someone not on A2K or involved in our game.
Tom Brady is the QB for the Patriots. He is 32 years old and is regarded as quite physically attractive. His wife, a model, is beautiful as are, I'm sure, their kid(s).
But there is his hair.
He wears his hair long, getting close to his eyebrows and the middle of his ears on the sides. It is considered unusual where buzz-cuts are more the norm.
There was a time in my life, before but mostly after service in the army, when my hair came close to touching my shoulders.
A suggestion was made that I Google in "Tom Brady long hair."
I did.
My God! There are people absolutely obsessed with Brady's hair. Does he wear it that long because he is combing over a balding spot? Is his wife demanding that he not get a haircut...or else?
Brady sacked. Jets D lookin tough in the red zone.
Patriots forced to settle for 3.
Refilled my mulled wine mug.
Don't know why I'm telling you that.
2 to 1 George vs Rhys. Drink up, lad.
You are contributing to the delinquency of a major (senior?).
Why don't the Jets run wider?