The Republican Nomination For President: The Race For The Race For The White House

Reply Fri 17 Feb, 2012 10:35 am
@High Seas,
I'm sure GM doesn't need my tax advice nor was I giving anyone advice. I was only stating what you have confirmed while being snarky about it.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Feb, 2012 10:36 am
The church has already gone a long way towards falling apart. Frank above is correct - this is mostly about Catholic church leaders desperately trying to maintain control over their own parishioners.

What Frank said above wasn't worth a banana. It was an assertion. As is your silly statement.

In view of the fact that your are all perfectly free to do what you wish in regard to contraception it is obvious that your obsession with the matter has something to do with an insecurity on the subject. As if you are trying to persuade yourselves.

Mr Obama, as I understand it, and I've not being paying that much attention to another American controversy, was requiring people who have a conscience about artificial birth control to be a party to supplying others with the kits. An animal loving vegetarian being forced to take a job sharpening knives for butchers sort of thing.

Mr Obama's proposal being nothing but an electioneering gambit. All reactions predicted in the meetings prior to the announcement.
Reply Fri 17 Feb, 2012 10:40 am
@High Seas,
You don't know tax-loss carryforwards get wiped out in a Chapter 11 filing?

You should be careful about giving legal and tax advice High Seas.

Especially when your advice appears wrong under current law.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Feb, 2012 10:40 am
I think that having celibate men make decisions on contraception is pure idiocy.

I think having horny goats make such decisions is pure idiocy.

revel says she is fast losing patience. That's why women can't be theologians.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Feb, 2012 10:43 am
spendius wrote:

The church has already gone a long way towards falling apart. Frank above is correct - this is mostly about Catholic church leaders desperately trying to maintain control over their own parishioners.

What Frank said above wasn't worth a banana. It was an assertion. As is your silly statement.

In view of the fact that your are all perfectly free to do what you wish in regard to contraception it is obvious that your obsession with the matter has something to do with an insecurity on the matter. As if you are trying to persuade yourselves.

Oh, right Laughing

Mr Obama, as I understand it, and I've not being paying that much attention to another American controversy, was requiring people who have a conscience about artificial birth control to be a party to supplying others with the kits. An animal loving vegetarian being forced to take a job sharpening knives for butchers sort of thing.

A silly exaggeration. Obama isn't requiring anyone to sharpen a knife; his HHS is only asking that all insurance in America cover the basics, one of which is birth control. In the case of the most popular kind of birth control - the Pill - it also is used to treat a wide variety of different maladies women experience, so the idea that it's okay to ban it from insurance plans is unacceptable.

Mr Obama's proposal being nothing but an electioneering gambit. All reactions predicted in the meetings prior to the announcement.

Maybe so, maybe not. But I do agree with it, for one simple reason: I don't give a **** what the Catholic church, or any church, wants. Their opinion on any issue is worth no more than any other citizen and I see zero reason that their affiliated businesses should be exempt from following the same laws everyone else does.

I have no respect for those forces who seek to hold back progress in the name of control - and that's what this is really all about.

Frank Apisa
Reply Fri 17 Feb, 2012 10:47 am
What Frank said above wasn't worth a banana. It was an assertion.

What Spendius said about what I said above isn't worth a banana. It was an assertion on his part.

Earlier, Spendius wrote:

…you will find that ladies can protect themselves in a variety of ways all of which are natural and require no intervention by business interests.

I’d hate to be the guy supporting all the kids who have been born to women who use those “natural” methods.
Reply Fri 17 Feb, 2012 11:54 am
@Frank Apisa,
What a silly thing to say that is Frank. They either chose not to use the natural methods in order to have a baby or they didn't know how to use them. How can they have had a kid if they used them? Are you saying they don't work? If so it is an admission. They do work.

The fact that you place inverted commas around natural says enough for me.

The Catholic bishops are not trying to impose anything. They are offering a point of view. You needn't accept it. Neither does anybody else. They know that. You're giving your ego a little fondling by imagining that people are being imposed upon in ways you are smart enough not to fall for. That they are mugs. Dream on.
cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 17 Feb, 2012 12:02 pm
Yes they are! They're trying to take away choice by not providing contraceptives. The bishops, all men, are trying to control women sexuality.
It's none of their business. Religious morals cannot be enforced through such a stupid rule. Morals are individual choice, not group enforced.

Just because the church didn't allow members to eat meat on Fridays, do you think that restriction is stated anywhere in the bible? Who made such arcane rules? Nowhere in the bible does it restrict the use of contraceptives. Those rules were imposed by Men. Silly rules by silly men.
Reply Fri 17 Feb, 2012 12:03 pm
@cicerone imposter,
apparently when you sign up to work for a ROMANCATHOLIC INC family of industries you automatically surrender your civil rights
Reply Fri 17 Feb, 2012 12:08 pm
Oh, right.

Yeah, right. Alfred Adler covered the point in Understanding Human Nature.

What do you mean by progress Cyclo. More women in convenience mode? Being poisoned.

Why isn't marijuana legal. That can be medically beneficial? And once you get official handouts of it you have Huxley's Soma.

You're a very well conditioned beta minus Cyclo.
cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 17 Feb, 2012 12:08 pm
They've been in the habit to control others for so long that they don't know anything about stupid rules created by men.

Forgive them for they know not what they do!
Reply Fri 17 Feb, 2012 12:15 pm
spendius wrote:

Oh, right.

Yeah, right. Alfred Adler covered the point in Understanding Human Nature.

What do you mean by progress Cyclo. More women in convenience mode? Being poisoned.

Being poisoned? What are you going on about? I can't understand the point you are trying to make roughly 1/3rd of the time.

You seem to rely exclusively upon Victorian-era opinions regarding social matters and things like Psychology. Even in cases where the people under discussion have been surpassed tremendously by later research. That's what I mean by Progress - the idea that the conclusions from the 19th and early 20th centuries are not in fact the final word on human behavior, and in many cases were utterly incorrect.

Why isn't marijuana legal. That can be medically beneficial? And once you get official handouts of it you have Huxley's Soma.

You're a very well conditioned beta minus Cyclo.

Laughing I'm sure a lot of ass-sniffers like to believe that about the Alphas they run into.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Feb, 2012 12:17 pm
@cicerone imposter,
WHat I was reaching for was the fact that, today, we cant even ask why an applicant left his or her previous jobe because thats a privacy issue. HOWEVER, if someone decides to work for a Catholic Inc Industry, that person can be coeerced and extorted into giving up their citizenship rights in orde to keep thweir job, even though they may wish to avail temselves of the benny.

These GOPS are good at point at others for what theyve invented in their own bag-o-tricks
Reply Fri 17 Feb, 2012 12:25 pm
@cicerone imposter,
They are providing the choice of using or not using contraceptives. That you see that as not a choice is your affair but it obviously is. And a more important one because without it the choice is down to doctor's advice and advertising. Either way you have an expert in the bed with you.

The Church is trying to restore women's sexuality not control it. You are trying to control it. Take the risk out of sex and you don't have sex.

Religious morals are not enforced today. Where have you got such a silly notion from? They are presented to people for them to consider. It is you who wants to take that away from people.

Of course it is the Church's business.

The Church prohibited meat on Fridays on very good grounds. It has been said that the Church owned fishing boats for example. And that dietary advice was fish once a week. And it was economic to use a food resource close at hand so that more land could be used to grow fodder for the cavalry horses.

"Silly rules by silly men" is the hallmark of a very silly know-all.

Frank Apisa
Reply Fri 17 Feb, 2012 12:26 pm
What a silly thing to say that is Frank.

I do not say silly things, Spendius. I leave that sort of thing to you.

They either chose not to use the natural methods in order to have a baby or they didn't know how to use them. How can they have had a kid if they used them? Are you saying they don't work? If so it is an admission. They do work.

A person can choose not to have intercourse…and no pregnancies will ensue. Any other attempt at what people like you call “natural methods” are problematic at best…and the evidence shows that unwanted pregnancies are more easily avoided using non-“natural method” methods. If you have trouble understanding that, the problem lies with your comprehension, not the methods.

The fact that you place inverted commas around natural says enough for me.

Really! Thank you for sharing that...whatever it means.

The Catholic bishops are not trying to impose anything.

Oh? And are we required to take your word for that?

They are offering a point of view.

They seem to be doing a lot more than just offering a point of view…whether you can see that or not. But I respect your opinion about what they are doing.

You needn't accept it. Neither does anybody else. They know that.

If they are offering a point of view, of course I do. Have I said otherwise?

You're giving your ego a little fondling by imagining that people are being imposed upon in ways you are smart enough not to fall for.

Do you make this stuff up on your own…or do you have help? And does your ego get a bit of fondling out of suggesting others are doing that?

That they are mugs. Dream on.

Not sure what you mean by this, Spendius, but I thought you Brits called them “pints.”
Reply Fri 17 Feb, 2012 12:35 pm
WHat I was reaching for was the fact that, today, we cant even ask why an applicant left his or her previous jobe because thats a privacy issue.

That must mean that applicants for positions on the White House staff who were sacked for gross moral turpitude (rumpy-pumpy with 144 women) are safe from questioning.

What about security clearance investigations?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Feb, 2012 12:46 pm
@Frank Apisa,
A person can choose not to have intercourse…and no pregnancies will ensue. Any other attempt at what people like you call “natural methods” are problematic at best…and the evidence shows that unwanted pregnancies are more easily avoided using non-“natural method” methods. If you have trouble understanding that, the problem lies with your comprehension, not the methods.

That's sophistry Frank. A gross version. Natural methods are 100% guaranteed. Non-natural methods are not 100%.

And I presume you mean "easily avoided" on behalf of yourself.

I'll tell you what Frank. List the general categories of the non-natural methods and we can take them one at a time.

The natural method is two healthy adults rolling in the hay naked and having fun and determined to produce no after effects and knowing how not to.
Reply Fri 17 Feb, 2012 12:55 pm
revelette wrote:

Well until the day a man can biologically have a baby out of his own body, a woman can decide whether she wants to have a baby or not. A man in a marriage can not force a woman to have a baby nor should he be able to. Luckily we are not in the middle ages anymore.

well until a woman can make a baby without sperm and is willing to support that baby out of her own wallet once she decides she wants it no matter what and she alone has any say in the matter, then I suggest celibacy and/or birth control on the part of EVERYONE . It takes two consenting people (and I'm excluding rape) to make a baby and two people SHOULD HAVE A SAY IN WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT. Neither a man or a woman has the right to impose their will on their partner. Decision needs to be made together.

All I'm saying is that men have rights too, and you can't paint ALL men with the broad brush of a bunch of cum flinging animals who don't have a goddam thing to say about it. COUNTERPRODUCTIVE, and inferring that any deviance from the philosophy **** you until you can carry a baby means a person is from the middle ages, a clear insult, doesn't help your case at all.
Reply Fri 17 Feb, 2012 12:57 pm
Not addressed to you in particular. Just an observation.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 17 Feb, 2012 01:09 pm
Not really; many single women choose to have a baby.

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