Questioner wrote:
I'll be very curious how his campaign team presents this to the public. 3 years ago he stated that if the job market isn't fixed in 3 years time that it would be a one term presidency. They're going to have to do quite a bit of convincing that this mission was accomplished.
(ie: It will take more than putting up a banner on a carrier and just claiming victory)
What does 'fixed' mean? We aren't in a position to be adding 3, 4, 500k jobs per month. Barring some large government stimulus, or amazing new event driving mass job creation, we're going to continue to see a slow recovery like this for several years.
Here's a chart of private-sector job creation over the last few years:
Here's a chart of weekly initial unemployment claims:
The number of jobs we lost between October of 2008 and March of 2009 was just, staggering. Those jobs aren't going to magically come back, no matter what anyone does. The question is, can Obama argue that the trend is turned around, and that our job creation engine is working again? I think he very well can.