OmSigDAVID wrote:I live in a port city n I don 't wanna get nuked.
izzythepush wrote:Do you honestly believe there's any chance of you being nuked by Iran?
Of course there is a chance, (but u probably don't wanna frase it that way).
More to the point, a nuclear 9/11/1 can be achieved by a small group of men,
as indeed, the actual 9/11 attacks were,
as distinct from being the work of an established political regime.
In any case, the President of Iran is the type of impassioned fellow
LOVE to be remembered for nuking NY!
That woud jingle his chimes. He 'd jubilantly have his gravestone carved,
expressing it just the way he likes it, in the stone of his choice
maybe displaying a mushroom cloud near the Statue of Liberty
and a photograph of him embedded in the stone, with a broad smile!